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on 3/28/11 4:58 am - Glace Bay, Canada
Topic: RE: Newbie trying to get information to make a decision
Thank you Shirley.

Big congrats on getting off the insulin right away.  That is amazing and I can't imagine how good it feels.

I feel the same way about my blood pressure.  Getting off those meds would be a help.  Getting off the pain and sleep meds would be a bonus.  And if any of my pain levels are connected to the weight, then cutting back on those would be terrific.  Maybe then I could lower my anti-inflammatories.  

Hubby and I are raising our granddaughter and we need to be around for at least another 20 years, I think losing the weight one way or another is the only way that I might be.  I have to keep that in mind.  It might help me with those goals.

on 3/28/11 4:57 am - Halifax, Canada
Topic: RE: ordering protein Pwder from the US
I haven't calculated the calories on my smoothie but here's the recipe.
1/2 cup Greek yogurt (18 grams protein)
1 cup 1% milk (8 grams protein)
1 scoop strawberry protein powder (25 gms protein)
1/2 banana
6 strawberries
4 ice cubes
Make about 4 cups - 51 grams of protein.
on 3/28/11 4:51 am - Glace Bay, Canada
Topic: RE: Newbie trying to get information to make a decision
 I guess this is one of the reasons each case is taken on its own.  lol

My current doctor and the 4 previous ones have not mentioned my weight.  When they come and go like the wind we are probably luck to get in to see them at all.     

Good luck on your goal and accomplishing it.    

Hubby and I are trying to make a commitment to eating changes.  It isn't easy and we've tried before. He wants to loose 40 pounds.  I have 100 to lose.  But...  I'm afraid to set the goal though.  I guess I am feeling particularly weak at the moment.    

on 3/28/11 4:49 am - Halifax, Canada
Topic: RE: Newbie trying to get information to make a decision
It isn't, and shouldn't be, an easy decision to make. It means changing your life. There's no going back once the surgery is complete. But as already mentioned you are looking at at least a 3 year waiting list so you do have lots of time to think about it.
For me the decision was easy - it was about my health and wanting to live longer. For the health benefits I was more than willing to make the necessary changes in my life to succeed with this surgery.
I will be 3 weeks post-op tomorrow. Eight days to go till I can start reintroducing food. I'm looking forward to that. I'm already reaping the health benefits - one week out and I was already off insulin. I am truly amazed with that. Please note that I was not morbidly obese. I just barely qualified for the surgery with my weight. But with my co-morbidities that bumped me up. To me this surgery was all about getting healthy. Not wanting to die prematurely like my mother did. I think if you have this surgery for those kind of reasons, it makes the decision a lot easier.
on 3/28/11 1:31 am
Topic: RE: Newbie trying to get information to make a decision
 I know what you mean,  I feel like I am not as bad off as some, but I am bad enough that my doctor is worried.  I think though it is something to do for myself, make the committment and stick to it, that way I am accomplishing at least one goal.
on 3/27/11 11:38 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Checking In

wow you're nearly down to your goal weight, fantastic!!

sorry to hear you've had a hard go of it.... life sure does throw us curve balls at times.... keep positive and on track... n remember whatever hard times we go the end they make us stronger.



on 3/27/11 11:38 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Totally OT question from an Ontario gal
thanks so much nsblue - I did look at the chocolate inn lake but it is outside the central area and we won't have a car so I cut that one off my list.
I was in NS about 13 years ago and love love loved it but my mom has never been so I am looking forward to exploring with her. I hope she can handle the tours and all the running around!
I plan on eating lobster and scallops my whole time there!
on 3/27/11 11:29 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Totally OT question from an Ontario gal

I haven't stayed at any of the hotels you listed, but have stayed in downtown halifax at the radison for a week a year ago. My hubby had been an employee with pacrim so he got the staff discount. I must say at the radisson was wonderful. our room had a fridge, microwave sitting room etc... beds and rooms were wonderful and so were the staff.

only other place in halifax i stayed was near the rotary at the best western chocolate inn lake. not as posh as the radisson but was still a wonderful place to stay, and peaceful view...they even have a chocolate lab as a guest greeter lol



on 3/27/11 11:25 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Totally OT question from an Ontario gal
You will love it here.  The three tours you mentioned are very nice.  My husband & I will often take off at anytime over the summer in our 31 Chevy and end up in Mahone Bay & Lunenburg.  We love it there.
on 3/27/11 10:37 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Totally OT question from an Ontario gal
thanks NannyDeb - this is useful info that I will take into consideration when I finalize my booking.
My mom is older - she is in her late 80's and is in good shape but cannot walk long distances. I am planning on booking some bus tours such as a city tour, peggy's cove and lunenburg and mahone bay day tour (3 separate days - I hope it won't be too much for her). I have found this tour company online called ambassadatours which sounds good.
She would not be able to walk up the hill so I will have to keep that in mind.

thanks! I am so looking forward to going there.
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