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I've only been here a week. Reading what I can here and everywhere. Very exciting and scary at the same time.
I hope you hear soon.
Good luck.
There's a support group that meets in Sackville run by some amazing women who have had surgery and are so helpful with any information you may be looking for. Good luck on your journey.
I am in my fourth week of walking and am up to 30 minutes at the least. I have no particular time when i do walk..i had been goin mid morning or afternoon..and a few times after supper. A couple of times i noticed that when i walk right after eating my sugars for the next meal are higher for me is high 5's to 6. i am usually 4's and low 5's. My calorie intake is 1200 i am not eating more. in looking at my log i begin to wonder if after a meal is not the best time to exercise. When is the best time to walk....or when do you all find the best?
Hi Melissa, I haven't been here long either...only about a welcome to you!!
Two years ago a doc in emerg referred me to Dr Klassin, which i heard nada..but i seen a specialist in september of last year *****fferred me to Dr Ellsmere to see me immediately due to my hernia. After much calling in dec etc to see if they even had my referral...On feb 24th i finally seen Dr Ellsmere. I am now waiting to hear of a date and am researching and doing all i need to do to getting healthy n ready for surgery.
I know my case may be different that the norm...many wait up to 4 years (this is what they told me on the phone in december) I hope your wait is a short one.

I have about 200 pounds I would like to lose (would be happy with 150) and a few other medical problems as well.
I am very excited to find a support group that is going thru or already has gone thru what I am. Can`t wait to get to know you guys!!!