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on 4/21/11 4:08 am
Topic: Lab Band vs. VSG
Has anyone in Nova Scotia been successful in having MSI pay for Lab Band instead of VSG? It seems like a less invasive procedure to me and is more what I'm leaning towards. I realize it's not actually done here, but I would be willing to pay travel to have it done in Ontario or wherever.
A in NS
on 4/20/11 6:54 pm
Topic: RE: Waitlist
OK, so how do we pressure the government?  Any ideas anyone?
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 4/20/11 6:30 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Waitlist
Wow that is alot of people waiting! I wonder how many surgeries they do in a month. I emailed Diana last week about updating my health history on my referral since I was diagnosed recently  with severe sleep apnea. I haven't heard back from her. You must be so happy to have it all behind you! Congrats on your success.
on 4/20/11 2:11 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Finally contacted

yes banne, the liquid diet i am going to be on is the same stage 3 diet after surgery.

you will find it at the website where all info on wls is...¢er Content.Id.0=61088&category.Categories.1=112

i had my first referal in january 09 but i never heard anything  then a second doc referrred me in sept'10 and i got a call feb '11   is because of my hernia and it's seriousness that i imagine i was called promptly. my guts r fully outside my abdominal wall.



on 4/20/11 2:06 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Finally contacted

it sure will be terrific... last time i bought insulin's been lastin me a while...hopefully i wont have to buy anymore.




on 4/20/11 2:05 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Finally contacted

well that sounds like a plan coreena, tomorrow is the day...going to be at my girlfriends for a week watching her animals while she is gone to cuba....making sure everything is packed up. i must remember to take my measure tape n measure this n that so i can keep track of my inches.

annnnnnd I am now off my blood pressure medication...whooo hooo



(deactivated member)
on 4/19/11 9:26 pm - Canada
Topic: Waitlist
I was at my one year update meeting last week and Diana told me that there are 2000 people on the waitlist.  She and the other girl are also not even full time.  Diana's position is only 0.7 full time equivalent and the other girl (I forget her name) is only 0.3 fte.
Pressure now needs to happen to the government to make these positions full time and to secure another surgeon to do these surgeries.  The WLS program needs to be made more of a priority by Capital Health and the Provincial gov't.  The success of others who have improved their co-morbidities from having the surgery would be key in convincing the gov't that this program needs to be expanded.

Diana is doing her best to get through everyone as best she can with the time she has. 
on 4/19/11 9:29 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Oh i did it
Hi Banne, I was initially referred to Moncton but the referral was sent back to my doctor saying that they don't accept NS patients anymore. How long have you been on the waiting list?
on 4/19/11 2:10 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Finally contacted
What is the liquid diet you need to go on before the surgery? can you give me examples.....soup,water,boost....jello etc??
How long have you been on the waiting list
I am so excited for you :)
on 4/19/11 1:45 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Oh i did it
Way to go.......
I am getting a bit frustrated ....I emailed Diana again to see how the wait list is coming along....her response was ..."Still the same"....the last time I emailed her was in Nov!!
Does anyone know of any other Dr in Nova Scotia or New Brunwick that do the surgery??
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