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on 4/26/11 2:48 am
Topic: New Here
Wow thanks for such a great forum, I'm learning lots! Here's my story for anyone interested, and well, it's just good to write it...

I've been overweight my entire life, my parents are overweight and both of my siblings, not that I'm blaming them, but it is a fact that genetics play some part.  I also struggle with food addiction and binge at times. I have been researching WLS for a while, and probably would have gotten it years ago if it didn't cost so much. I realize it will not help with my mental addiction to food, but I'm working on that and hope to conquer it somewhere along the way during this process.  For me it's stress... my husband owns his own business and I stress about that a lot. I'll try to spare the psycology assessment as I could go on for ages! 

Back to the surgery... I went to see my doctor on Thursday of last week and she has agreed to refer me to the Capital Health VSG procedure. I need to get blood testing done tomorrow to see if there's any problems, but I don't think there is. She says this will probably put me very low on the list. However I do have a BMI of 45.  Should I also have her send a recommendation to MSI, or is it all the same thing?

Thanks for listening and posting your stories, it's all very inspiring!
on 4/26/11 2:17 am
Topic: RE: Lab Band vs. VSG
This may be helpful to some body. I recieved this email back in response to my request.

In response to your enquiry, I am able to advise that the province of Nova Scotia does not cover LAGB - Laparoscopic Assisted Gastric Band Surgery. However, Gastroplasty (with sleeve gastrectomy procedure) or Gastric Bypass surgery for morbid obesity may be covered in the province on a case by case basis.

In order for consideration to be given for any payment for this service under Medicare, a request for prior approval has to be submitted to MSI by a physician on a patient's behalf outlining the medical necessity and other details for this proposed surgery.

All physicians are aware of the policy guidelines governing this matter that requires a written request to be forwarded to the Medical Consultant  at  MSI, PO Box 500, Halifax NS  B3J 2S1, or faxed to her attention at (902) 490-2275.

Services to address morbid obesity are available within the province of Nova Scotia via the "Obesity Network" in conjunction with the QEII Health Sciences Centre. Provision of bariatric surgery is only one facet of this broadbased weight loss program.

Information may be found via the "Obesity Network" webpage by going to or faxing a request to (902) 425-3817.
on 4/25/11 4:34 am, edited 4/27/11 11:23 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Waitlist
Try writing to your MLA.
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
A in NS
on 4/23/11 10:52 am
Topic: RE: First step done..

So sorry for your loss....

It sounds like you have a great start on losing some weight!  That is exactly what I did before I had surgery.  I had pretty much given up on ever being contacted so I took matters into my own hands.  We made small changes at first like cutting out the pop & chips & junk.  Then we started replacing butter with Becel, white bread with whole wheat & potatoes with sweet potatoes & before we knew it the weight started coming off.  I couldn't walk very far when we started either, but I did what I could and each day I improved just a little.  I managed to lose 60 (ish) lbs before I even heard from the Obesity Clinic and then another 30 before I had surgery  :)

It's not an easy thing to do, but I have a son who was 2 years old at that time & I was determined that he wasn't going to grow up without a mom - that's quite an incentive, as you know  :)  I'm sure you know about the handouts that you can download & print off from the Capital Health website : ry.Categories.1=112¢erContent.Id.0=32829

If you haven't already, you could print that off & read through.  Try some protein shakes & Greek yogurt, etc...  We're here to help however we can!   :))


 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/11 10:42 am - Canada
Topic: RE: First step done..
Hi There, Sounds like you are making steps in the right direction. 
My best advice is to step up the exercise as much as you can.
Increase that mile to a mile and a half and then 2 miles. 
I find that a vitamin e supplement helps the joint soreness and any cramps in my legs.

Surgery is only a tool to help you, it is still a battle!
on 4/23/11 8:08 am - Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Topic: First step done..
 I joined the forums a few years ago after I found the information that the surgery was being performed in Nova Scotia. At that time I was not ready to fully commit to surgery being the best option for me.

I struggled over the last 2 years with different weight loss programs, the Dr has run every test imaginable on me and can't figure out why my body does not want to give up the weight. I have suffered with depression for most of my life, and my Dr is afraid that the meds are what are stalling any weight loss from happening. Unfortunatly giving up the depression medication is not an option at this point.

My 27 year old sister passed away suddenly in July of 2010, we found out that she had a heart condition that was undiagnosed and that was made worse by her obesity. This has given me more determination than anything ever will to get the weight off. 

My Dr sent my referral to The weight loss clinic in Halifax last month. During the next 3+ years that I am on the waiting list I am going to do anything and everything to work towards a healthier me. I have a 5 year old daughter, and a 4 year old niece that no longer has her mommy that I have to live for.

Currently doing aqua fit 3 times a week, and walking a mile a day. I am at 1200-1500 calories a day. I was thinking of doing the 2 week liquid diet as mentioned on the website to see if that would jump start my body in the right direction. Anyone have any other suggestions that I can do while I wait? :) 

I am so excited to be on this journey to a healthier me! 

Live, Love, Laugh
A in NS
on 4/21/11 10:34 pm
Topic: RE: Lab Band vs. VSG
Hi Jewlz,

This is a great place to read about the sleeve: ry.Categories.1=112¢erContent.Id.0=32829

It is the Capital Health site & all of the handouts you get from the Bariatric Clinic in Halifax.  Hope this helps  :)
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 4/21/11 8:21 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Waitlist
Yes, does anyone know how we go about this
on 4/21/11 7:48 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Finally contacted
Thanks for the reply...good luck with your journey
on 4/21/11 4:41 am
Topic: RE: Lab Band vs. VSG
Actually after almost all day of reading posts and information online about both procedures, in the end it sounds like VSG might be less hassle in the long run. I'm seeing my doctor today to discuss my options. Great site here and I'm sure I'll be posting often. :)
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