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Saturday I'm digging out my 21 spd bike and getting a head start to this journey. I'm just going to focus on my progress and will let the day of surgery come and go....nothing to it....right?!!!!

I wanted to come in to see you today, but I called ahead and was told some of the units are closed due to the Norovirus going around in the hospital.
Let us know how you made out. We're here to help you start your new life!!!!!
I emailed Diana a few weeks ago about updating my health history on my referral since I now have severe sleep apnea. I didn't hear back from her so I emailed a second time. She did reply yesterday saying there is no need to update my hh since most referraled patients have sleep apnea. She told me to go on Stage three diet for 3 months!! I looked it up and it is an all liquid diet of 600 to 800 calories! Yikes does this sound drastic to anyone else.?

So glad that the wait is finally over and sorry for the delay in wishing you all the success you deserve. You have been on my mind and I know that you will be doing well. Can't wait to see you again and see how you are doing. Take care and hope to hear from soon.
dont worry Coreen, keep positive and all will be have a top notch surgeon and they will work through it all and you will come out wonderfully!!
I can understand the nervousness of being under so long, I imagine by the time i have my hernia repair, it will be a long one too involving scar tissue n whatnot... but hey all will be good...we just have to keep positive. The other day i was thinking of that saying...we have nothing to fear but fear put that fear into a sock (sleeve) of it's own, see how it does by itself ;)