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Mary H.
on 5/1/11 6:55 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Pre-Surgery Weight loss
Thanks for taking the time to answer me. I have read all the handouts and I am still waiting to hear back if I will be invited to the next information session. I know I am on the primary list but that is all I know!  I have learned it is very much a waiting game, not knowing when my opportunity will arise.  I have lost 80lbs in the last 2 years and kept it off. 

The reason I asked this question is I was at my regular family Doctor last week and he said I would be asked to lose another 50lbs pre-sugery. I just wanted to see if that was true. It didn't seem correct to me. My Doctor is currently reconmending that I start jogging and go on a liquid deit.  He called my regular Nutritionist and I have an appointment to meet with her about the liquid diet.  My BMI is currently 48.

I think he is just concerned about WLS and wants me to try everything I can before taking this major step. I have been seriously considering it and researching for the last year while I wait to hear from Dr. Ellsmere.I know this is the right decision for me. 

I have been reading your posts and will continue to look for your assitance. I learn alot from hearing about other peoples journies with WLS. I can not wait to get mine started.

on 4/30/11 11:31 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Update: Nannydeb is on the road to recovery now!!!
Lapband surgery is not done in NS but it is in NB You may want to check out that forum.
on 4/30/11 7:49 pm, edited 5/1/11 2:47 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Not sure if there is a "set" amount Mary, for each person it may be different. I suppose one factor could be your BMI for weight loss surgery is not done with a BMI over 60. The first thing Dr Ellsmere had asked me was "How committed are you to this?" WLS is a big commitment. IMO one has to make a lifestyle change in order to change their eating habits etc and lose weight...and the WLS is just a tool that can help you in that journey.

If you read their handouts on the obesity network for Capital Health;¢erContent.Id.0=61088&category.Categories.1=112  You will see that much work is needed before WLS. Not only losing weight, but working on behavioural modifications, diet, exercise, food logging etc that overall makes one examine their whole life with food and you get to really understand your relationship with it. Ignoring this step I feel is where some fall back into old habits and can be detriment to their journey in weightloss or maintaining a proper weight.

I havent had my surgery yet. I met Dr Ellsmere the end of February and my BMI was 61...i needed to lose 30lbs to be in the range for WLS. I had lost well over a 100 lbs before seeing him. I now have 44 pounds off since seeing him a total of 164 lbs lost (at the least) and I know I will lose more. does it matter "how" much? IMO nope. It's the fact I am doing what I should be doing, understanding food and exactly what I need to do to be healthy...this is a lifestyle change for LIFE not just to have surgery to lose weight for me. The WLS is just going to be a tool to help me lose faster to get to my hernia surgery sooner.

Best of luck with your weight loss journey...strive to a healthier you Mary ;)



Mary H.
on 4/30/11 1:04 pm - Canada
Topic: Pre-Surgery Weight loss
I know that we are asked to lose weight before surgery. Is there a set amout or does it vary according to your current health issues and current weight? What I have read suggests  10-20lbs pre-surgery. Is this correct?

on 4/30/11 9:19 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Update: Nannydeb is on the road to recovery now!!!
I have some questions for anyone who has had lapband surgery. How are you feeling now and what happen to the excess skin after the weight loss? Are you happy? Who did your surgery.
on 4/30/11 8:27 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Update: Nannydeb is on the road to recovery now!!!
ohhh great to hear she is on the mend....thanks so much Coreena



on 4/30/11 7:14 am - Riverview, Canada
Topic: RE: Stage three diet
I hope this was a mistake because in all honesty,  I would've been pissed if someone said that to me.  Although we are all grateful to be having this surgery, and don't want to say anything to diminish our chances, they are not gods.  
on 4/30/11 4:55 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Update: Nannydeb is on the road to recovery now!!!
thanks fot the update Coreena!
on 4/30/11 1:47 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: Update: Nannydeb is on the road to recovery now!!!
i thought at the least 2 nights...but even if she stayed 3 she should be home today...was wondering how she is doing......



on 4/30/11 1:31 am, edited 5/1/11 2:16 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: Update: Nannydeb is on the road to recovery now!!!

UPDATE: I called the hospital and spoke with Debbie!!!

She's doing alright and may get out tomorrow from the VG site.
She had a little setback with intense gas and possible infection (waiting for test results now). She stayed in ICU the first night due to her sleep apnea but she's much better today. She's off IV and starting to sip on her ensure, ice chips and milk.
Debbie did say she was scared yesterday with doubt, but today sounded pretty content and knows once she's through her recovery she'll be on the loser's bench to a healthier girl!!!
I told her we're all here for her support and she'll let be in touch once she's back home. She was very pleased that I called.
~Hang in there Debbie!! xo 

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
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