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Topic: RE: Blue Nose Marathon
To run the whole thing is really impressive (to me anyway) cause I need my walking breaks!! lol Good luck girl!! Woohoo!! Let us know how you do :))
Topic: RE: Blue Nose Marathon
That was actually my 3rd year. I did it in 2008 before I lost any weight. I placed dead last and I was very sore for days!
Last year I was a little sore. This year I wasn't too bad at all. I even took Oakley for a walk Sunday afternoon.
I am doing a 5k in Enfield next Saturday and I haven't done any running since Sunday. Now I have a sore throat, grrrrrr! My goal is to run all of that 5k with no walking breaks.
Topic: RE: Pest
I went to the March session of last year and was told not to expect any call for six months. In that six months i had 10 lbs to lose. Well stupid me didnt do it. So then i had one more chance, i had to lose 20 lbs in two months. So in December i went back losing 24 lbs. I saw Ellsmere before Christmas and had surgery January 6 2011.
Topic: RE: Blue Nose Marathon
Congrats Ladies & Jeff & all who participated!
What an accomplishment for you all.
What an accomplishment for you all.
Topic: RE: STEP 1
congrats only 7-8 months to go to the hopefully they will get more time for operations soon. There is so many people waiting for the surgery that some just give up waiting.
Topic: RE: Pest
hi, When I went to my info session on mar. 1st. 2010 they told us not to expect any word from them for 6 months. In May we were sent a big questioner to do and send back. I than waited until Oct. before I got my appointment with the "team" where I was given the news that I was getting the surgery. Then I met with Dr. Ellesmere around two weeks later. And I got my date for surgery than. Dec. 7th. When I went for my pre op date the end of Nov. I got to the very end of my time with them and was told I couldn't get the surgery until my blood loss was found. So needless to say I just last week finally got to see a hematologist here in Sydney, (cos we don't have one on the island) He said all the tests I had showed nothing wrong and the only thing he thought it could have been was bleeding ulcers, which I was not aware of. So anyway I called Diane today and she got the report from him saying he highly recommend me for the surgery. So now she said she will see him tomorrow and give me a call with a date. Yipeee. Anyway that is what happened to me. I do rattle on don't I? lol sorry about that. Hope this helped.and congrats on getting into the June session.