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on 5/27/11 1:23 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: I'm starting liquids tomorrow!!
owls support meetings are great...not only to meet others who are in your shoes, but to hear their stories n suggestions really help you along....  i feel attending meetings a big must to do in ones wls journey.



on 5/27/11 1:17 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: STEP 1

that sound cool chris, i am using pics etc and am putting them into my binder. Videos would be cool to look back on too.

have you got your binder all set to go. it's never ending on adding things daily.



on 5/27/11 1:08 am - Riverview, Canada
Topic: RE: I'm starting liquids tomorrow!!
 I may be interested in attending too.....I'll look out for when.    
on 5/26/11 6:51 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: I'm starting liquids tomorrow!!

was wondering when the next one will be... cant wait ;)

it will all come back to you..... and you'll get the rest of your weight off and reach your goal too girl!!!



A in NS
on 5/26/11 12:24 pm
Topic: RE: I'm starting liquids tomorrow!!
Thanks chick, I'll give that a try  :)  As I was reading through the stage 3 diet stuff it was all starting to come back... 

I'm going to try to come up with a support group meeting time in the next couple of weeks too - that always helps  :)
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/26/11 11:13 am - Riverview, Canada
Topic: RE: STEP 1
 Hey there, I didn't know you were going to be there.  That's awesome.  Yeah will be nice to be there and see a few of us bloggers.  I just starting working on my first youtube video today.  I'm going to start a VLOG as to my progression through this.  There aren't a lot of guys my age who have similar posts so should be cool.  

Until the 15th...

on 5/26/11 10:11 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: I'm starting liquids tomorrow!!

you will get back on track ang and lose that 5 pounds no problem.

I really enjoyed mixing 8 oz milk with a diff kind of silhoutette yogert then threw in kaisen powder...changin the yogert flavor really switches it up.  actually that choc premium protein drink i had thinned it down with milk and make it last for 4 days for breaky lol...



on 5/26/11 10:06 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Topic: RE: STEP 1

Tis great you finally got your date Chris.... all the best as your journey with WLS progresses.

Will look forward to meeting you on the 15th ;)



A in NS
on 5/26/11 9:19 am
Topic: I'm starting liquids tomorrow!!
I've GAINED 5 lbs since my FIL has been here for a 3 week visit.   We've been touring and eating at restaurants (Saltscapes is soooo good!!!) for the last 3 weeks & it caught up with me.  Plus I had to have a 'touch up' on my laser eye surgery so I wasn't allowed to break a sweat for a whole week...  Man, I am so off my game right now it's not even funny!!  Anyway, FIL left today so tomorrow I am going on a liquid diet and getting back to my gym/walking/running routine.  I have to admit, I'm not really looking forward to either right now, but I know it's what I need to do to get my focus back!  

Anyone have any good liquid suggestions?  I have to go back to the binder & read up on it again!  lol  Wish me luck!!

PS:  My MIL is coming for a visit in the middle of June (Just a week!!)   
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/26/11 8:02 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Blue Nose Marathon
Congrats Angie!!! 

Hopefully I can join you next year!!  (You know I would have done this with you if it wasn't for that damn surgery gettin' in the way!) LOL ....ahh well hopefully I'll be a little more fit for next years team run!

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
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