Info session for summer 2012

on 4/12/12 9:34 pm - Yarmouth Co. , Canada
OH MY ! I have finally received that phone call from what seemed like a fantasy place, the QEII weight loss team, inviting me to a info session in summer of 2012. I know this information session is just a first step in a what still could be a long wait for surgery, but its a step. I am beyond excited, thrilled, happy..etc..etc.. to finally be in the starting phases of the whole process. Hope to see a few of you there !!! 
Carly ~
on 4/15/12 1:03 pm
 Congrats on hearing the news!
It's all very exciting when it finally begins!

Best of luck to you.
on 4/16/12 6:49 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
That sounds great leaden!!
The WLP is really pushing this this year... in trying to reduce the wait time. The first WLP info session was last month... and now hearing of another one is planned for the summer is so great to hear !!



on 4/17/12 3:51 am - Lower Sackville, Canada
Glad to hear you getting into the meetings, its the first steps and its about time they start doing more and getting more patients operated on.  NS is in a sad state when it comes to Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery and wait times
My goals to a healthy me            
on 5/9/12 2:23 am, edited 5/9/12 4:17 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Yes it is really sad that the NS goverment doesnt realize that funding the obesity network would overall help NS's medicare and healthiness of Nova Scotians.
What is even more discouraging is the bitterness some have towards the Obesity Network in that some had done some damage to it with their "complaints" making things slow down a bit more ...adding to the longer waitlists....things slowed to a hault last year with only one info session. (this is of my opinion being in the wlp last year and feeling the delays of things). It's nice to see things back on track and the team pushing what they can do, to help all that are on that long list. Hopefully the good stats of those in the wlp can encourage the government to give more funding.. so there can be more surgeries in NS. 



on 5/8/12 9:26 am - Lunenburg, Canada
VSG on 02/26/13
I finally received a call today about the summer info session.  I will be there with bells on!!!

on 5/9/12 2:24 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
great to hear Danielle!!!



on 5/9/12 3:00 am, edited 5/9/12 3:06 am - Lower Sackville, Canada

I hope you have great success 

My goals to a healthy me            
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