How is everyone doing?

on 1/2/12 11:25 pm - Sydney Mines, Canada

Well how was your Christmas and new years? Mine was not to bad. I had a fall at the grocery store and it put me out of doing much for the holidays. Hurt my back and I had a huge bump on my head, it is almost gone now.

I am down 60 pounds now, going slow but it is going. I was done on July 25th. I am not able to do exerising. I can't walk much yet but soon as I am able I will get back at it.

Well I hope to have a good 2012. And everyone here have a Happy New Year.

on 1/3/12 12:24 am - Kingston, NS, Canada
Sorry to hear about your fall, hope your better soon. I fell during the holiday season as well and have a lovely black eye, but fortunately no actual damage just lots of bruising. All the best in 2012.



on 1/3/12 11:04 pm - annapolis county, Canada
Looking forward to the new year. Hoping for great losses. Christmas and new years were uneventful was still on mushies. Hoping this stupid stall will soon break. Happy New year to you.

susan palmer    
highest weight 280 current weight 186

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