new to forum

on 8/17/11 12:24 am
Hey, this is my first time and I am a little shy about this.....I have read alot of the posts and you guys are sooo supportative of eachother.  My Dr. just put my referral in May 2011 so I hear it will be a wait?  I guess good things come... Anyway, thanks for your time
on 8/17/11 8:28 pm
Hi there,  Congratulations on making the decision to start your weight loss journey.  You won't regret it. 

Let's hope they do something to shorten the wait time for surgery in Nova Scotia.  I went out of province to have my VSG done as I couldn't wait to have it done in NS so that may be something else to consider if it is an option for you. 

Whatever way you choose, good luck on your journey and this forum is a great place to come for both information and support.

Take care.

on 8/18/11 1:46 am
Thanks, ya I agree that something has to be done..... Where did you get yours done?  If you don't mind me asking...... around how much was it?  None of the costs are covered be your personal health care plans ( ie: Blue Cross ) are they?  Why are the wait times sooooo long do you think?  I have a few other issues that my Dr. thinks may help me get in a bit faster but I am not sure that that rumour ( getting in faster ) is even true...... Thanks for writing to me 
on 8/18/11 4:10 am
I went to Montreal for my surgery with Dr. Michel Gagner.  He is well respected in this field and I wanted to go someplace fairly close to home with a surgeon I felt very confident in.  This is a link to Dr. Gagner's profile on this site. hel-gagner/

The fee for the surgery, hospital stay (private hospital) and care, meds, etc. was $15,000.  This is likely more than having surgery in Mexico but less than some other places in Canada and the US.  I have read some good reports from some folks who have gone to Mexico and I think some places have financing options as well.  I'd advise to do lots of research if you decide to consider that option and I'm sure you'd be fine. 

I had some other medical issues as well, diabetes, hypertension, angina, extreme fatigue, etc.  so didn't want to wait any longer for the surgery.   Since the surgery (10 weeeks ago) I am off all but one of my blood pressure meds and my bp is better than its been in years, angina pain is gone, blood sugars are much better (almost but not quite normal) and energy levels are up so those things alone made it worthwhile. 

Good luck with your journey.  You'll find lots of good information and support on this site.
on 8/18/11 10:55 pm - Canada
Welcome!  I'm pretty new here too - I read lots and lots of posts while I was researching, but only just recently signed up.  I'm in Nova Scotia too, and decided I couldn't wait 10 years for surgery.  So I'm going to Mexico in Mid-September, along with a couple of other people from the area.  My surgery in Mexico will be about $5500, and I will have to pay completely out of pocket.  I couldn't afford $15,000+ to have it done in Canada.  There is a whole Mexico forum on here that could help you research, if you're thinking about going that route.  Good luck! 
on 8/21/11 2:34 am - Sydney, Canada
Hi Valley Mom,

Welcome to the forum.  From the time my referral went in to the time I was actually done (just last week)  it was about 2 1/2 years.  What happens is they take into consideration your age and any health complications you have and that is how they decide where you will be slotted in the queue.  For once my age went in my favor - I'm in my late fifties with sleep apnea, high cholesterol, arthritus, high blood pressure.  For me it was like a dream.  When my referral first went in, I used to just read and read about all the lucky people that were getting it done.  By the way, as long as your BMI is over 40, the surgery is covered by MSI.  Originally I had asked my doctor to write to MSI and see if I could have the lap band done in NB, but MSI said no, that she should refer me to the NS program.

  Once my referral went in, I waited about a month.  Then I emailed Dianna Lawlor (Nurse Practitioner for the program) to confirm that they had received my referral.  I also asked her if she had any idea when I would hear from them.  She told me it would be sometime within the next two years.  So that gave me some idea and some hope for the future.  About 16 months later I was invited to an information session.  At that time I was told I would hear back from them within the year.  I was called to go in to see them in March.  I did not take my WLS binder and I did not have any food logs or exercise logs with me.  They sent me back home and said I wasn't ready.  I was given another appointment for June and told to bring everything with me this time.  I did so and then I just had my surgery last week.

I guess what I'm trying to say is at first it seems like a dream.  But be patient and it will happen.  Perhaps you can email Dianna and confirm that they've received your referral.  Good luck.
on 8/22/11 2:16 am
Thanks for your response.  I will write to her ( Dianna Lawlor) to make sure that they received the referral as my Dr. is not always on the ball with things..... Anyways, I guess when the ball starts to roll it will roll fast? I can't wait to have some sort of feed back from the program and not feel like I am just existing.... Oh well, I will stay focused and still believe that someday it will be me giving the encouragement to someone else.  Thanks 
on 8/30/11 2:25 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Valleymom, hope you get confirmation that they do have your referral, that would be a good start. As others stated, depending on your corb. mobitities is where you are placed in the list. My first referral went in in Jan 2009 and then i had a second put in Sept 2010 finally in december my docs receptionist refaxed it and latter in Feb of this year I got a call where they had a cancellation and i was the name on the list to call. 2 days later I seen Dr Ellsmere. Now I know my case may be a bit different, for my refferral was more for the fixing of a hernia I gut is fully outside of my abdominal wall. have diabetes, underactive thyroid, and had high blood pressure.. and was 550lbs back in sept 2009. Dr Ellsmere asked me how committed i was...which kind of threw me for i had lost 120 pounds already by following a 1500 cal diabetic diet. I was 440 then. He said for me to lose 30 llbs and would put me into the weight loss program and then have WLS.... then once down to 250 i could have my hernia repair. Well i went home .. read up on their site... changed to 1200 cal and fine tuned things according to what i read... and started walking, doing what the program said and put my behavioural modification plan into action. I didnt get a call from the WLP until June and went to an info session on the 15th.... I now have a date for my one on one on November 8th. Usually after a one on one you get your appointment with Dr Ellsmere within 3 weeks. then surgery is approx 2 weeks after that. As for me, I more than likely will be down very close to 250 by the time I see him. The team suggested that he may very well do both at the same time for me, god knows... but i will keep plugging along doing what i have been doing to get healthy n change my lifestyle.

Good luck on your journey, it's a hard one but so worth it.



on 9/2/11 11:48 pm
Hello, thanks for your words of encouragement.  You are truly an inspiration to me.  You must feel so much better.  I was wondering what the WLP is and the diet plan you were/are on? where do I find this information?   Any words of wisdom would help.  I hope that you have your surgery soon as you deserve it.   Thanks again
on 9/3/11 12:36 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Valleymom, the link that they gave me when I seen Dr.Ellsmere was 
I scoured everything they had there. Downloaded every download they had and studied it.  When they said no gum, caffiene or pop... I have had no gum caffeine nor pop since. I guess I wanted to prove I was committed. There are many things you can glean from their info there, and put into practice while waiting. I find getting a handle on me and my behaviours and changing them will only help me in the long run, and I would rather focus on what I can do to get healthy, than to just wait and do nothing. I also hunted the web for any info to help where needed. I also looked for support where ever I could find it... everything  helps. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.... there's a lot of studyin there. I am now on a 1200 cal healthy choice and have done a few trials of the stage 3 diet (liquid diet) as well as done the limited choice given to me by the WLP at the info session. With this and walking everyday is what is taking the weight off. I was 430.1 lbs when I seen Dr Ellsmere on Feb 24th this year and I am 310.8 lbs today.

I am feeling soooo much better, and can do so many things I have never done before. I am still a work in progress though.... but I am getting there. So many years I have been overweight/obese. I think my brain still thinks in that mode lol, and I know I must work at it constantly.... I will not fail this time... I am getting healthy and will stay there.



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