Nothing with the Capital Health Obesity Network makes sense...
We need to develop an action group.
I wasn't going to say this, and just as a side bar, I've applied to the Faculty of Medicine at UBC to study for a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Science (online). I am seriously looking at targeting this situation or something near it as a potential thesis. You might as well study something close to you.
Anyway, perhaps at the next meeting we will form an action group? This could be step 1.
Any thoughts or comments?
Chris :)
Carley, eventhough I know first hand how frustrating it is when the clinic lose files or misplace them, i can empathize with them in their predicament on being underfunded and short staffed for the amount of intake they do have it must be difficult. I realize it must be frustrating for them but in no way does it excuse them for the unprofessional way that they speak to people etc. I realize too that we as the "referrals in waiting" can be hot tempered , exasperated and impatient in waiting but still a professional being ignorant is no excuse...even if well as the missing/misplaced files is of a concern...but ourselves being hot tempered and ignorant will not get us anywhere either. The method how people are chosen is not laid out by the put the blame where it lies.
So what can we do? as an individual we have to take our own health into our own hands and be proactive....stop blaming an do something. we have done it too much in our lives with our health and weight and we have to approach this the same...who is accountable and go after them. Like coreena said ...we need to make a noise where it matters. we have to he heard to make things happen.
Nannydeb i commend you at offering your services...and thanks they did accept...(and i can only imagine that they will have a screening etc as they do for ALL their volunteers at the hospital through) this at least is an attempt in the right direction....not just complaining and not doing anything..kudos....and it's nice to know someone who knows what it's like will be a part of helping the referrals coming in so they at least get seen ;)
Coreena.... have a meeting..invite the mlas of the area...they want to help the people...pick their brains on what can be done or what they can do ..or people they know who knows higher ups to get them to do something for the health care for the obesity network....we can all be there to tell our stories...invite the media too. I am not much into politics and the only names i can think of in my area is Scott Armstrong and Lenore Zann..... they both i know are on easy way to get ahold of them.
I am available most evenings and weekends!
The QE2 Obesity Network Team are the people who hold the opportunity for me to begin my new, healthier life in their hands. I've handled them with kid gloves for 13 yrs. I've called when I could soften my voice, remain calm, and have resorted to practically begging them to take notice of me.
The method of how people are chosen is 100% the choice of the staff at Obesity Network. The number of surgeries is not their choice, however the people they operate on is.
When frustration and desperation sits in, I felt that this was a warm, safe place to fall. I've never judged one single soul on here in my time, and take offense to how you described me without even knowing me or my story based on how you read a post in a forum. I knew this message may not be well-received, but I didn't think my character and personality would be attacked.
Walk a day in my shoes NSBlue... before you pass judgment on me and presume things about my situation or how I've dealt with the staff at the Obesity Network.
It's rather presumptuous of you to think any dealings that I've had with the Obesity Network have been hot-tempered, exasperated, complaining, ignorant and impatient. So I take offense to that. My message on this forum was not attacking any one person or any patient, but the Obesity Network as it's own entity. Too bad you didn't do the same.
This will be my last open post voicing my concerns with how surgeries are scheduled with the Obesity Network. People who have not had similar experiences do not understand, and are willing to put blinders on and keep thinking everything is wonderful and the Obesity Network is doing all it can do.
Coreena, or anyone else, feel free to message me privately on Facebook or on here, and I'll contribute to the noise making for the people that actually show compassion and empathize or live with similar neglect.
Chris -- you're adorable! I'd honestly hate for you to be a boat-rocker when you're so close to having your surgery. Stay quiet on the sidelines until you get what you want, would be my advice = )
Carley I appologize if you think i was labeling you as those things.... i had said "I realize too that we as the "referrals in waiting" CAN be hot tempered , exasperated and impatient in waiting" i never said YOU alone nor that YOU WERE ....I was talking in general in the fact that people can feel this way in waiting to hear from them.....i realize the way i had typed it may have not read that way for you.
My referral was misplaced...not only with ellsmere's office but also with dr Klassins....was i exaperated? yes..i had given up on them until i ended up back in hospital again years later and had to send a second referrral to dr ellsmere....and when i contacted them 2 months later...once again...cant find it...and was given quite the response from them to find another doctor or hospital but like you did remain calm with them...but it didnt change how i felt in no way.
Don't worry I won't rock any boats until after my surgery for sure! Thanks for your concern, because I do agree with you.
Now after reading what you have said, I really would love for you to continue voicing your opinion on this forum. Even further, I would suggest that you are a necessity and asset to this group. Move past that comment and stay with us. We need you here!
My two cents,
Chris :)