I'm starting liquids tomorrow!!

A in NS
on 5/26/11 9:19 am
I've GAINED 5 lbs since my FIL has been here for a 3 week visit.   We've been touring and eating at restaurants (Saltscapes is soooo good!!!) for the last 3 weeks & it caught up with me.  Plus I had to have a 'touch up' on my laser eye surgery so I wasn't allowed to break a sweat for a whole week...  Man, I am so off my game right now it's not even funny!!  Anyway, FIL left today so tomorrow I am going on a liquid diet and getting back to my gym/walking/running routine.  I have to admit, I'm not really looking forward to either right now, but I know it's what I need to do to get my focus back!  

Anyone have any good liquid suggestions?  I have to go back to the binder & read up on it again!  lol  Wish me luck!!

PS:  My MIL is coming for a visit in the middle of June (Just a week!!)   
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/26/11 10:11 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

you will get back on track ang and lose that 5 pounds no problem.

I really enjoyed mixing 8 oz milk with a diff kind of silhoutette yogert then threw in kaisen powder...changin the yogert flavor really switches it up.  actually that choc premium protein drink i had thinned it down with milk and make it last for 4 days for breaky lol...



A in NS
on 5/26/11 12:24 pm
Thanks chick, I'll give that a try  :)  As I was reading through the stage 3 diet stuff it was all starting to come back... 

I'm going to try to come up with a support group meeting time in the next couple of weeks too - that always helps  :)
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/26/11 6:51 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada

was wondering when the next one will be... cant wait ;)

it will all come back to you..... and you'll get the rest of your weight off and reach your goal too girl!!!



on 5/27/11 1:08 am - Riverview, Canada
 I may be interested in attending too.....I'll look out for when.    
on 5/27/11 1:23 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
owls support meetings are great...not only to meet others who are in your shoes, but to hear their stories n suggestions really help you along....  i feel attending meetings a big must to do in ones wls journey.



A in NS
on 5/27/11 4:02 am
Next meeting is June 12 - see all the info in the new thread I just posted  :)
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/27/11 4:17 am - Riverview, Canada
 Cool, I will certainly make every effort to be there!   
on 5/29/11 1:25 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Chris, we have Owlss meetings in Lr. Sackville every month too.    Wednesday night we had 9 members and I almost popped my staples they had me laughing so hard.  It's good to put in the humour on our trials and tribs of this journey! 

I know the difference having surgery 20 yrs ago and doing it alone, compared to having these support group meetings is a world of good to keep on the right track.  It feels so good to have others know exactly what you're going through. 

Angie, don't forget you can also do the 5-day pouch test.  I read a lot of sleevers do this test.  I did it back last Fall before I got the fistula, and it did help.  Whatever diet you do, take time to go slow with chewing/swallowing and listen to your body, watch for signs.  Sleevie Wonder will thank you for listening to him!  LOL
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
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