Stage three diet
Hi folks,
I emailed Diana a few weeks ago about updating my health history on my referral since I now have severe sleep apnea. I didn't hear back from her so I emailed a second time. She did reply yesterday saying there is no need to update my hh since most referraled patients have sleep apnea. She told me to go on Stage three diet for 3 months!! I looked it up and it is an all liquid diet of 600 to 800 calories! Yikes does this sound drastic to anyone else.?
I emailed Diana a few weeks ago about updating my health history on my referral since I now have severe sleep apnea. I didn't hear back from her so I emailed a second time. She did reply yesterday saying there is no need to update my hh since most referraled patients have sleep apnea. She told me to go on Stage three diet for 3 months!! I looked it up and it is an all liquid diet of 600 to 800 calories! Yikes does this sound drastic to anyone else.?

It certainly isn't a mistake -- Dianne told me the same thing, only said to go on it indefinitely. She said that one of the patients waiting for WLS took it upon himself to go on the Stage 3 liquid diet, and actually now is no longer in need of WLS.
It really isn't a viable option for people. We're suffering from this disease because of the amounts we eat. Going on a 600 to 800 cal liquid diet indefinitely is not a solution. It's rude, lacking compassion and at a total disregard for the struggles we face.
But I guess.. if she acts like a total B**ch to people who call for an update on when they may hear word of being cared for after many many years of waiting, it will deter them from calling back again. Certainly worked for me.
It really isn't a viable option for people. We're suffering from this disease because of the amounts we eat. Going on a 600 to 800 cal liquid diet indefinitely is not a solution. It's rude, lacking compassion and at a total disregard for the struggles we face.
But I guess.. if she acts like a total B**ch to people who call for an update on when they may hear word of being cared for after many many years of waiting, it will deter them from calling back again. Certainly worked for me.