Counting water
We are told we are to have at the least 8 cups (64oz) of water a day.
In looking over the liquid diets samples for stage 3, I see tha perhaps they include some things for water intake besides just plain water....meaning protein shakes, milk, soup, jello, coffee etc.. is this so or am i not understanding it.
when I had looked at the sample menues and they had what totals in them is what made me think of it. I also remembered when my husband was in the hopsital and had to watch his intake n output, they counted water, ice, soup, milk, juice, jello, and icecream as liquids. I kinda thought it was that way but twas wondering.
Thanks nannydeb.... i have read so much, i know i've read things n then i think...ok where de frigg did i read it LOL...den i think...hmmm er is it LOL
LOl doing my 1200 cal diet right now..heck i been drinking 64oz water plus whatever i have in that 1200... eventhough i dont exceed id float away LOL