Counting water

on 4/13/11 2:51 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

We are told we are to have at the least 8 cups (64oz) of water a day.

In looking over the liquid diets samples for stage 3, I see tha perhaps they include some things for water intake besides just plain water....meaning protein shakes, milk, soup, jello, coffee etc.. is this so or am i not understanding it.



on 4/13/11 5:49 am, edited 4/13/11 5:49 am - Canada
Hi.  I didn't know the answer to that either so I've been reading the info for Stage 3 diet and in that section on page 11 (the one with the pictures of the vitamins) in the Important Reminders section it says "Remember flavored water, geletin, ice pops, and broth all count towards your fluid goal."  I'm glad you asked that question because I learned something too.  
on 4/13/11 6:58 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

when I had looked at the sample menues and they had what totals in them is what made me think of it. I also remembered when my husband was in the hopsital and had to watch his intake n output, they counted water, ice, soup, milk, juice, jello, and icecream as liquids. I kinda thought it was that way but twas wondering.

Thanks nannydeb.... i have read so much, i know i've read things n then i think...ok where de frigg did i read it LOL...den i think...hmmm er is it LOL

LOl doing my 1200 cal diet right now..heck i been drinking 64oz water plus whatever i have in that 1200... eventhough i dont exceed id float away LOL



on 4/13/11 8:18 am - Canada
LOL  I feel like I'm floating away every day.  I agree with you, I've read so much for the last 7 months both in the manual and on line that I think my brain is pushing stuff out because there's no more friggin room. 

See you Sunday!
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