Finally contacted

on 4/11/11 1:38 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

Well today I decided to call Dr Ellsmere's office to inform him of my progress that in fact i have lost the 30 pounds he wanted off before doing surgery.

Well just a few minutes ago, I received my first e-mail from Diana Lowler. She said for me to do alot that I have already done .....she told me to do a 2-3 week trial on the liquid diet then go to the 1200 cal diet..... and they would see me the end of may the first of June.

Oh my goodness...FINALLY word. I am excited, and yet a bit scared at the same time. Now i must decide when i want to start the liquid diet n get things rolling. will be a lil leary with regulating my insulin levels..but heck ive done it so far..hopefully it wont be too bad.

I know i will be surely askin info bout the liquid diet etc on how you all did and any tips etc. I feel like i gutta go cram LMAO i know i have read n read it but now that it is's so sureal  



A in NS
on 4/11/11 2:32 am
That's SUPER news!!!  You won't have any problems with the liquid diet - I mean, it's no fun, but look at all you've done so far & it's obvious that your determined!!  :)  Don't worry about having a touch of cold feet - I think we all had that - it's a huge decision so it's to be expected, but this is all so very worth the time & trouble!  Congrats!!! 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 4/11/11 4:00 am - Kingston, NS, Canada
Great news, you are going to do fabulous. So glad to hear about people moving forward in this journey.



on 4/11/11 9:44 am - Canada
I cant stand soup anymore cause of the liquid But thats just me. I found the 1200 cal diet to be easier although with buying boost etc it can get expensive. But i did manage to lose 24lbs in two months following those diets.

Congrats and i wish you the best of luck!

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 4/11/11 9:54 am - Canada
Yay! That is great news.  You've already come so far that you can handle the rest, no problem.  Keep a close watch on your sugars and you'll be fine.  You said it yourself, that you've done it so far, keep going.  See you Sunday!

on 4/13/11 3:06 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

Thanks so much Angie, Kimberleyann, Kitty, and nannydeb. I think I will start my 3 week liquid diet a week from tomorrow on April 21st. That should take me to the middle of May, plenty of time before I go down to Halifax.

LOl think I will have to set my watch to sound an alarm every hour to remind me to get down what i need. lol It's going to be a test for me to cook for my son during this...or he may just have a trial run of his own of cooking for himeself for three weeks LMFAO

Funny how someone said to me I will have to have my favorite meal in before...I kinda looked at them in a huh? LOL i have been on 1200 for a while that I really don't crave or long for anything of the like...n feel quite satified with what i am eating. 



on 4/13/11 12:33 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
I'm so happy to see things are coming together for you now!

My surgery is on May 12th, and although my surgeon didn't say I had to do the liquid diet, I'll do it along with you for the support and get myself used to post-op!  

I'll start mine then too!!!!!  .........Look out April 21st, we're gonna be doing a lot of sippin & drinking!!! 

BTW:  MY family isn't gonna know what hit them when they realize I'm NOT going to be cooking for a long while....Thank God it's almost BBQ season for them!  Baaahahahahaha
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 4/20/11 2:05 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

well that sounds like a plan coreena, tomorrow is the day...going to be at my girlfriends for a week watching her animals while she is gone to cuba....making sure everything is packed up. i must remember to take my measure tape n measure this n that so i can keep track of my inches.

annnnnnd I am now off my blood pressure medication...whooo hooo



on 4/13/11 11:13 pm - Glace Bay, Canada
This is good news.  I can see that you are "working the program" and doing it right.

I can only hope that I can do it as well if/when I get there.  

From everything I have read - once you have the surgery, you won't have to worry about sugar levels again.  Won't that be terrific?
on 4/20/11 2:06 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

it sure will be terrific... last time i bought insulin's been lastin me a while...hopefully i wont have to buy anymore.




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