New here!!

on 4/1/11 3:34 am - Canada
VSG on 05/26/14
Hi, My name is Melissa and I have been thinking about getting WLS for awhile, I finally talked to my doctor on Wed, and he sent the referral in for me to have it.  I have heard that it is a long wait list, can any of you comment on how long you waited from the time your referral went in till you heard from them, just wondering how long I am looking at waiting.

I have about 200 pounds I would like to lose (would be happy with 150) and a few other medical problems as well.

I am very excited to find a support group that is going thru or already has gone thru what I am.  Can`t wait to get to know you guys!!!
on 4/1/11 5:46 am - Canada
Hi Melissa Welcome to the forum! I believe the wait time is around 2 years but it depends on your blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol and sleep apnea. I was referred Dec 2010 so I don't expect to hear for along while but I check out the forums everyday for info. Another great forum to check out is theVSG forum since that is the surgery done here in NS.Go up to the top of the page and click on forums. Also there is a link to the surgical team's site I hope someone will put that on since I'm computer illiterate!
on 4/1/11 7:00 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

Hi Melissa, I haven't been here long either...only about a welcome to you!!

Two years ago a doc in emerg referred me to Dr Klassin, which i heard nada..but i seen a specialist in september of last year *****fferred me to Dr Ellsmere to see me immediately due to my hernia. After much calling in dec etc to see if they even had my referral...On feb 24th i finally seen Dr Ellsmere. I am now waiting to hear of a date  and am researching and doing all i need to do to getting healthy n ready for surgery.

I know my case may be different that the norm...many wait up to 4 years (this is what they told me on the phone in december) I hope your wait is a short one.



on 4/1/11 7:43 am - Canada
Hi Melissa, welcome.  I was on the list for over 3 years before I got a letter to attend the info. session last August, then I heard nothing until April for an appt. in May with the nurse & dietician.  I am now seeing the surgeon next week and should have my surgery soon.  It is a long wait.  You should read the info on the cdha website and work to get your BMI down now, but from what I've seen it's worth the wait to get some quality back to our lives.  I have almost 200 lbs. to lose too and have been changing things for a while now. 
There's a support group that meets in Sackville run by some amazing women who have had surgery and are so helpful with any information you may be looking for.   Good luck on your journey.

on 4/1/11 8:56 am - Glace Bay, Canada

I've only been here a week. Reading what I can here and everywhere.  Very exciting and scary at the same time.

I hope you hear soon.

Good luck.  
on 4/1/11 9:31 am - Halifax, Canada
Hi and welcome!  Let's see, I was referred to the program the summer of 2009, and was fortunate enough to start seeing a dietician in their program (Janet) in the fall.  She helped me sooo soooo much, and I lost about 45 pounds with her support and guidance.  I was then invited to the spring group session (2010), met with the team in early fall, on to Dr. Ellsmere in October, surgery in November.  All in all, I guess slightly less than 1.5 years start to surgery for me.  While I do have PCOS, i have no co-morbidities that they look for, like diabetes or High Blood pressure etc...You will notice I am definitely a slow loser, but hey, slow is better than not at all - I can live with my progress quite happily .  I wish you luck in speeding through!!
Carly ~
on 4/1/11 11:25 am
 I have been waiting for WLS since my referral was sent in -- January 1999.  It's been 12 years waiting for me.  
The surgeon that was doing it then relocated so there was a lapse of about 2 yrs in between that NS wasn't offering WLS.  Since the clinic opened, I have been placed on that list.

The clinic doesn't go by referral date, but by co-morbidities.  I have the regular issues anyone with weight has and a few others.  Not severe enough to be put on the primary list which is reserved for diabetes and heart complications.

So I  sit waiting ... and keep trying to hang on. 

I have about 200 lbs to lose (BMI almost 60), have mobility issues, sleep apnea, bronchitis, degenerative arthritis and severe pain....   just not diabetes or heart issues yet.

Being on the secondary list indefinitely is like being in the next in line in the ER waiting room to be seen and ambulances keep coming in one after the other and taking priority.

Good luck with your referral.
on 4/1/11 11:39 pm, edited 4/1/11 11:40 pm - Canada
I was told about the surgery in the summer of 2009, so my doctor referred me then. I had many medical probs though. Blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, asthma, pain in joints, and the climbing of my choesterol. I was invited to the March session in 2010. I was given 6 months to lose 10 lbs. SIlly me DIDNT do it. So in September they gave me one more chance! This time i had TWO months to lose 20 pounds! Happy to say i did it and then some. So i went back in November to see them and was approved. Saw Ellsemere in December and was operated on in January.

Good luck hope you hear something soon!

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
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