Protein Powders & vitamins
Just thought i would ask everyone what brand of protein powder you use. I thought i would ask before venturing into uncharted territories lol...n too it's nice to know what ones are better..tasting etc etc before spending big money.
Also, i decided to start a multi-vitamin...get into the habit etc ..n i seen centrum forte on sale at walmart so i bought it. Was wondering what everyone else takes. I picked up the centrum chewable to have it...although it says 50+ short a year n half lol but is this the one others used?
LOL i didnt think a few years would matter for a multivitamin... glad to see you think the same. Guess i never thought about turning fifty until i seen de darn vitamin box LOL somehow the childrens chewable multi-vitamin didnt seem appealing as the more mature on LOL anyways im all set whenever i need them...there wasnt too many chewable ones..and the vita-min ones seemed to have a dextrose n i thought hmmm, thats sugar i don't need.
As for the protein powder, I know my sister-in-law uses it for shakes in the morning...she was the one who suggested using greek yogert for it's higher in another thing i will have to give a try. I didn't get the name of what she uses though....probably will ask. Also a friend of mine's daughter is into the protein shakes as well and she gets hers at a gym......thought id ask here first.
Seen them into walmart the other many of them... i imagine one looks for low sugar content. I know i have splenda and stevia to sweeten it if needed. just will be nice to know of what others use so im not getting something not so good.
i shop in Truro, and was told the greek yogurt was at the superstore but didn't look yet (im a sobeys gal lol) and was told by my sis-in-law that the plain is the best because it has less she adds her own fruit and stevia/splenda. When i get it i will let you know the exacts.
We bought a water cooler this week, in getting in my water i feel like mo at the bar LOL with my lips to the tap all the time. Been trying to figure how to get my water in early so i'm not up through the night will be to learn how to sip instead of gulp ... im a guzler lol I think i seen 24 of bottled water on sale for 2.00 this week..have to double check where. I usually fill my water bottle but it is nice to have some bottled water on hand... only thing is the recyclables soon build up....least i dont have pop cans n bottles lol
I started having a protein smoothie for breakfast everyday back in October. So far I have tried 3 different protein powders. All 3 are vanilla flavored. The first one that I bought, and probably my favorite is from GNC. It is Promasil Protein Powder. In a 25g serving (1 scoop) there are 90 cal, 1 g fat, 10 mg cholesterol, 0 carbs, 0 sugar and 20g protein. I liked the flavor of it which is vanilla ice cream flavor. It also comes in milk chocolate and white chocolate but I haven't tried either of these. The downfall of the Promasil is that it is about $55+ which to me is pricey.
The next one I tried was from Costco and it is Kaizen 100% Whey isolate protein powder, also vanilla ice cream flavor. For it the scoop is 40g (which I found to be too much for my smoothie) and it has 150 calories, 0.3 g fat, 0 cholesterol, 1 g carbs, 0.5 g sugar and 35g protein. I think that I had a coupon for it when I bought it at Costco and I paid $25 and it was regularly $33 (I think). It is good, but I use the scoop from the Promasil which measures out to be about 25g, instead of the suggested 40g and I like it that way.
These 2 were about the same size container also.
The third one that I tried I actually bought in the US while I was on vacation visiting my sister. It is "Aria Women's Protein" in vanilla flavor. I did not like it at all and I don't even know if you can get it here, but I found it to be more of a granule than a powder and it didn't mix really well in my smoothie. It also had in a 20g scoop, 80 calories, 1 g fat, 20mg cholesterol, 3 g carbs, 3 g sugar and only 14 g protein.
So that is my own personal experience for protein powders. It is intimidating because they are big containers and it is a lot of money to spend on something when you don't know if you are going to like it or not.
The reason I first went with the GNC Promasil was because I'm pretty sure that if you don't like it, you can take it back. You would have to check on that but I think that is their guarantee.
As for vitamins I have been taking a walmart brand "one a day" for women for a couple of years now. I have tried a chewable (leftover from a friend) and wasn't really crazy about the flavor, but I kept it anyways because hopefully I will have the surgery at some point in time and will need the chewables. They are Jamieson brand, chewable Vita-Vim. If anyone knows of a "good" tasting chewable, I would be happy to hear about it.
Oh yes, I should also mention that I too use greek yogurt in my smoothie every morning. I have been buying it at Costco, but I think that you can now buy the same brand at Superstore. It is LIBERTE greek yogurt and in 175g serving there are 110 calories, 0.4g fat,2mg cholesterol, 6g carbs, 5g sugar and 20 g of protein. In my smoothies I use about 80-90g of yogurt because I find it is a little sour tasting if I use too much of the yogurt.
My morning smoothie is generally:
80g greek yogurt
1 scoop of protein powder
1 banana
1 cup of milk
and 1 ice cube
So I figure in my smoothie there is about 38g protein. The thing I need to learn to do also though is to sip and not guzzle! I have a tendency to drink everything fast!
Well I think that is a lot of information, but I hope that it is helpful. Best of luck on your long but so worthwhile journey for weight loss and better health

I make a smoothie in the AM which it lasts for 2 meals.
First I fill the blender with ice
I add a bottle of boost or ensure (usually the diabetic ones)
and 2 little containers of yogurt
And a scoop of Protein Powder
depending on what flavor boost I use I add that potein powder.
I don't know why people say they don't like the taste of boost or ensure. I happen to like all of them. Great flavors too. There is a new one out now too it is Orange like the creamsicle.
Anyway I get my Protein Powder from Walmart. It is $16.97 a container. It is a 2 lb. size. 100% whey protein. It has the exact same amount as the more expensive ones and it is in a smaller container, that is the only difference I can see.
I got the Cookies and Cream one and Vanilla one now. But you can get chocolate and strawberry. I don't mind the taste of any of them.
I also asked "the team" If it is alright to do this and they said it sounded fine to them. The ice counts as 2 glasses of water and the boost and yurgert count as 1 more. They told me that it is not so much to get jus****er in you cos all liquids you drink in a day counts.
The only way I like ice is with ice in it. So I freeze it to where I can shake it and it is just right to drink.
hope this helps
You only have to use the chewable ones for the 8 weeks after surgery then you can switch back to the swallowable ones.
Last time I bought protein powder, I bought the unflavored one at Costco.