So frustrated!

on 3/10/11 9:55 pm - St Catherines, Canada
 Hi everyone, I'm new to the board.  My name is Krista, I'm from the Island, and have been referred to Dr. Ellsmere for surgery.  My referral was sent in November of 2009.  I am about 380 lbs right now, and have tried just about every method of weight loss in the past with little to no success (and absolutely no success in keeping it off)  I sent an email to Diana in August of last year to confirm that my referral had even been received, and I received an email back from her assistant explaining that my referral did indeed arrive, but it would take another 2-3 years for me to be contacted by the clinic.  To fast forward to early last week.  I met with my doctor, and explained my current situation.  I am constantly tired (I mean, I can hardly keep my eyes open sometimes, and sleep well over 12 hours a day some days)  Just about every joint gives me serious pain, especially my lower back (I have sciatica, arthritis, and a herniated disk all in the same spot in my lower back)  I asked her to contact the office in Halifax to update them on my condition.  The day after I sent my own email to Diana, detailing my current condition and asking where I might stand on the waiting list.  It went ignored, so I sent another email yesterday morning and did recieve a reply stating that there are many people just as ill as I am, and that I will be waiting another few years at least to be contacted by the clinic (in the meantime, I called my own doctors office to ask what they had heard, they hadn't even contacted Halifax yet!)   If I had the financial means to go elsewhere and self pay, I would definitely choose that option. 

My apologies for such a long and rambling post, I just felt the need to get it out among people who are (or were) in the same situation.  I've been reading the board for quite a while, and am so happy to hear all of the success stories!  Thanks for listening!

on 3/10/11 10:10 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Oh Krista,

My heart breaks for stories like yours.  I personally wish there was something I could do to help fight this long long wait list. 

If it is of any help,  I have heard there are medical insurance programs that offer financial loans so you can self-pay in other provinces/country.  But I know that is not always an option with the extreme high costs of surgery. 

Please keep posting with us and stay focused on your health.  Little by little each day can make enough difference to improve your situation.  Stay strong dear. 

Sorry I'm not of much help, but just wanted you to know we are here for you and do care! 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
Mary H.
on 3/11/11 4:33 am - Canada

I have been reading this fourm for the last few weeks. I am new here myself. However, this is what I gather about the waiting times. It goes by co-morbidity factors like Heart Disease, Diabetes and need. I also thought that BMI plays a foctor in this as well. As you are 380lbs I would think your BMI would factor into where you would be on the list. But it is hard to know who else is on the list and how sick they are in comparison to you, or me, or anyone else. 

My heaviest weight was 360lbs and I know how much pain you must be in physcially and mentally. Have you had your thyroid tested lately? I know I used to just be exhausted, even after a 12 hour sleep. And sure enough it is WAY off. Now things are alot better. It helped me lose 30 lbs and now I can function on 6 hours sleep just fine.

Hopefully something will change for the better in your situation.

Mary. :)

on 3/12/11 10:19 pm - St Catherines, Canada
 Thanks so much for the support!  I have looked into travelling to another province or country, but I've been told that no one in the Maritimes will provide after care for anyone other than their own patients, do either of you (or anyone else) know if this is true?  I'll definitely make a point of looking into medical loans, even though I'm a little hesitant to take on more debt with student loans going into repayment, the mortgage, etc.   I did have my thyroid tested, everything is ship shape on that end of things, apparently it's my vit. B12 levels that are contributing to the tireness (although carrying around this much weight certainly doesn't help!)  I forgot to mention in my first post that I am in a family of diabetics.  My father and only sister are both diabetics, and my mother was told a while back that she's just about pre diabetic.  On the upside, both Mom and  I joined the gym on Friday, and are heading over there shortly!   Thanks again for your reply, it's nice to know I'm not alone :)

on 3/15/11 4:44 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
I know the wls clinic at the QEII doesn't looked after other patients.  I was lucky to track down my old surgeon who works in another town--after being on my own for 20yrs. 

If you're looking for regular follow up, perhaps you can call around to doctors who are taking on new patients and ask if they're familiar with Bariatric surgeries. 

I may soon be in the works of finding a new physician, because my current dr. is showing reluctance to my revision, or perhaps animosity because she's always struggled with her weight too. 

Good for you to start the gym!!!  You can do it, just focus on today. 

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
(deactivated member)
on 3/13/11 9:36 pm - Canada
Hi Krista,
I can certainly empathize with you and your situation.  I had my surgery just over a year ago.
I do want to give you some info that might seem like I am being mean, I'm not.  I'm just not sugarcoating. 
Do you know your BMI?  Halifax is only doing surgery on those with a bmi of between 40-60, they are not set up/prepared to do surgery for those with a bmi of over 60.  The risks of doing so are greater than they are prepared to accept I think.   When I saw Dr. Ellsmere, I weighed around 355 lbs,  I got the gears.  He told me if I came to him any bigger on my surgery date that he would not be able to do the surgery.  That my bmi was very close to the 60 mark. I came that next month down at least 15 lbs.  There was no way, he was sending me home without surgery! 
I do know of a woman who was seen by the clinic but told she had to lose a certain amount of weight before she could be considered for the surgery.  She hasn't been able to lose and has not had the surgery. 
I guess my advice to you is, don't put all your eggs in one basket and wait.  Do it now.  Cut out as much rice, bread, pasta and potatoes as you can.  Increase your vegetables and get out and walk!  I KNOW that it isn't easy!  But no matter whether you have had the surgery or not losing weight is hard work.  Thats the difference for me.  I somehow managed to click about the amount of work I needed to put in to lose the weight.  Is it still a challenge for me??? You bet it is.  I have lost 90 lbs and some have lost way more than me in less time.  BUT I have lost 90 lbs!  I have sooo much more mobility and energy.  Most days I come home from work and do a 5k walk or walk/run with my dog.  Yes, I have started running.  On Saturday, I ran for 25 mins without stopping.
Anyway, I just felt I had to put it out there not to wait, to do it now!!  I KNOW it is a daunting task but YOU are worth it!
on 3/14/11 5:38 am - St Catherines, Canada
 Great job on the 90 lbs!!  When I heard last week that it will be a long wait still, I said to myself "Alright, I will die if I something doesn't happen soon" So that day my Mom and I joined the gym, and we've been having a great time so far!  I also just moved my horses home in December, and I'm planning on taking my younger fella walking in hand through the trails out behind the house (we've got a whole network of beautiful trails, I'm very lucky to live where I do!)  Exercise really isn't my big problem, it's food and what I shouldn't eat.  I've been a member of Weigh****chers a few times and lost 62 lbs on it once, but our financial situation isn't the best right now, so I'll be joining Tops with a friend of mine in a few weeks I think (the weekly fee is much less)  Hopefully they'll be able to help with making the proper food choices :)  
(deactivated member)
on 3/23/11 9:00 pm - Canada
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