wrinkled old prune

I really believe that people that ooze that much negativity are really unhappy in their own lives, and can't cope with seeing other people succeed and become happier, healhier people.
I have a few friends who make comments.. horrifying comments about what it'll be like when I finally have WLS. They don't realize what fucktards they actually sound like.
Just shrug it off, and realize that anyone who deems it appropriate to spew negativity and insults at another person is doing it from a horribly aweful place. Aren't you glad you're not there?
Pity them.. feel sorry for them -- and enjoy your new lease on life!
Now I am going to play Devils advocate (so don't shoot me). Perhaps this person thought you were a beautiful person before weight loss (which you were and still are), and didn't know how change her vision on you or express herself properly. Rapid weightloss is a sign of sickness, as well as being a healthy thing. Not that she is right at all but I want to equate it to a drastic change I made lately. I went from brunette to very blonde in one fell swoop. It was a shocking change. My mother bless her heart was so used to seeing my with darker hair, she could not wrap her head around the change and didn't see the whole me just my hair. Let us just say she didn't express herself very well at first, though she has come around and now loves the hair. Unless you know this person to be nasty, then maybe she was just in shock and couldn't see past weightloss to see how beautiful and healthy you are getting. Then again if she is just nasty ignore the b*tch.
The devil's advocate