Looking for information and advice

on 2/28/11 11:37 am
So glad I found this forum....such great information and support.  I live in Halifax and have been referred for WLS by my physician.  My BMI is 48, I have diabetes(not well controlled by meds), hypertension,  high colesterol.  I am really keen to have the surgery and start my journey to health again.   Can anyone advise what the current wait time is for surgery in Halifax?  I'm considering going out of province but the costs and being away from home if I need follow up care are considerations.  My age is a factor too, I am over 60 and the cutoff age is 65. 

Also, has anyone had Dr. Gagner or Dr. Christou perform their surgery?  How was the experience and follow up?

Any comments or info are greatly appreciated.
on 2/28/11 9:11 pm - Kingston, NS, Canada

Asking about wait times is the equivilent of asking how long is a piece of string. Could be anything.  It is dependant on many things, BMI, Comorbidities, and level of need. I have seen posts of people on the NS site waiting for way more than 2 years to those that passed thru the system quite quickly. I have only just had my referral go in a month ago. 


 Above is the link to the Halifax Bariatric Unit. It is full of very useful/essential info for NS weight loss surgery.


As for the other question I don't know I leave that up to my more knowledgeable peers. 



on 3/1/11 8:04 am
Thanks for the reply and the link to the cdha info.  Lots of good information there.

I see what you mean by the wait times.....I've been reading lots of the posts too and see everything from under 2 years to 7 years.   Given my age and comorbidities I cannot wait too long so may have to consider out of province.  Would be interested in anyone else's experiences with out of province surgery. 

Good luck with your journey.......hope you don't have to wait too long.  Once you've made the decision the waiting is the hard part, isn't it. 
A in NS
on 3/1/11 8:47 am
I wonder if your family doc called if they could tell him where you are on the list?  Just a thought...  Welcome to the forum! 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 3/1/11 9:18 am
Thanks for the suggestion and the welcome.  I will ask my doctor if she can do that at my next appt. in a couple of weeks.   Hopefully she can get some idea to help with my decision.  I thought about this surgery 2 or 3  years ago when they were starting the program again in NS and didn't follow through....too nervous about it I guess...I had heard of a number of bad experiences with the gastric bypass and didn't realize the surgery had changed.  Since then my health issues have gotten worse so I need to do something.  Reading about personal experiences on the message board is so helpful to reaching a decision.   

I'm so impressed with how well you've done with your weight loss ........that is awesome.......179+ pounds...WoooHooo!  You must feel so good about that.  I'm sure it was hard work but you did it so you should pat yourself on the back.    Congratulations!  You and others on this board are a real inspiration.
A in NS
on 3/1/11 10:23 am
I don't think they ever did the gastric bypass in NS - I think it was the VBG which is a restrictive type surgery - I don't know a lot about it though....  The VSG is what I have and I really do like it - I was pretty lucky - I didn't have any complications and I was on my feet pretty fast.  But even when people have complications I rarely have heard anyone say they wish they hadn't done it... 

Thanks for the compliments!  I lost 90 pre-op & 90 post op but it has slowed down a lot lately...  I do feel much better - I'm off all prescription meds (I do still take my vitamins though)  It is hard work, but it is sooooo worth it!!  :)

I don't know if you are aware, but there are support groups running in Truro and in Sackville and you are welcome to attend any of the meetings & ask all of the questions you like or just get to know some others who have been (or who are) in your shoes!  We have a group on facebook too if you would like to join:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=5039035775&set=a.4396 085775.8462.618435775#!/group.php?gid=320715564655
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 3/1/11 11:54 am
yes, you're right about the type of surgery done in NS previously.  I'm still in the learning curve about the different types and the proper terminology.  Thanks for clarifying that.  From what I've heard/read the VSG is much better in terms of success, recovery and less risk and complications.  I remember a gal who had the surgery in Hfx. in early 90's and was sick for a long time and eventually gained her weight back.  Still, I'm sure there are lots of success stories too. 

I appreciate the heads up about the support groups.  I'm not far from Sackville so may look at that.  Do you know when/where the meetings are held.  Maybe there's a place on this message board where they are posted.  I'll look for it.

It's encouraging to hear you are off all of your meds.  That is a big goal for me....achieving good health again.  

Thanks again.  
A in NS
on 3/1/11 8:33 pm
The support group meetings are at the Sobeys Community Room in Lower Sackville - the last one was held on Feb. 28 but there wasn't a great turn out due to weather conditions so I think there will be another one in mid March - it will be posted here on the NS Forum as well as on the FB page (which has limited public content so your FB friends can't see what you post to the page or even that you belong to it...  Hope this helps   :))  

Here are the listings for the past few meetings...

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 3/2/11 12:51 am, edited 3/2/11 12:52 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Hi Livinglifeagain!!!  Welcome to the forum!!

~Thanks Angie~!!

I am the facilitator for the Sackville support group.  I am waiting to hear back for our booking date in March.  I will post the details asap.  You are welcome to visit and we would love to have you join us.

Our Sackville group is usually a mix of pre & post ops with a variety of procedures including VBG, VSG, Lapband, RNY Gastric Bypass, Revision & DS-duodenal switch (some members have even self-paid out of province & country). 

Nova Scotia used to do the Gastric Bypass surgery in the mid 90's after they stopped the VBG (stapling).  Dr. MacDonald was one of those surgeons. 

As we've found with all WLS procedures, they CAN all have great success with proper education.  The KEY is ongoing SUPPORT to keep us focused--it's a life long journey!! 



VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 3/2/11 9:56 am
Hi Coreena,

Thanks for the welcome and info on the support group.   I agree, it is a lifelong journey and your success is only as good as the effort you put into it.  I started gaining weight as I approached middle age and am one of those who has tried every diet, only to gain the weight back.  I am finally resolved that I need a more drastic solution to regain my health and life expectancy.  The support from others who have made or are about to embark on the journey is one more tool to achieve success isn't it.  I will look for the posting on the date/time for the support group.

Thanks again.
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