Is Lap Band surgery offered via Laparscopy in Nova Scotia, Canada?
Hi Autumn. NS does not offer the lap band procedure. New Brunswick has surgerons who do the surgery. The rest is in Onatrio and Quebec.
Nova Scotia and I mean MSI will only cover the hopital time and DR's appointment, and you have to pay for the band. This is for New Brunswick. I am not sure if they do the band in Quebec in hospital or clinics. I know most of the bands are done in clinic's. Hospital are only use if there are big health issues.
Aslo NB has a 2 year + waiting list. In Ont you pay out of your pocket so you have the freedom to choose when you want it done.
Hope this helps. I love my band. It was the best thing I ever gave myself
Nova Scotia and I mean MSI will only cover the hopital time and DR's appointment, and you have to pay for the band. This is for New Brunswick. I am not sure if they do the band in Quebec in hospital or clinics. I know most of the bands are done in clinic's. Hospital are only use if there are big health issues.
Aslo NB has a 2 year + waiting list. In Ont you pay out of your pocket so you have the freedom to choose when you want it done.
Hope this helps. I love my band. It was the best thing I ever gave myself