Getting back on track Post Holidays

on 1/2/11 8:25 am
I haven't been on here for quite some time and realized once I got back on how helpful it really is!!!

I was doing really well with the weight loss on my own until Christmas!  I even got through staff parties and get togethers in December but once Christmas Day hit so did the cravings for cookies  I kind of felt like the cookie monster for about a week.  Not to mention all of the other goodies that go with the holidays.  

So I have put on about 6 pounds since Dec 22, but as of today, I am going to TRY
really hard to get back on track.  I also have been neglectful of the exercise part of all this too so need to get back to walking at least! 

Well I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and continued success for weight loss in 2011!

I am really hoping to hear from someone in the near future to get things rolling......I'm trying to be patient and not think about it too much.  I wasn't expecting to hear from anyone until the new year but it seems to be on my mind more lately.  I'll just keep on trying and waiting until then.......


A in NS
on 1/2/11 10:22 am
Hey Sus, 

I agree this site helps me stay on track and concentrate on what I'm supposed to be doing...  I find if I get off track that tracking my daily food intake on this site (under tools and nutrition tracker) really helps me get a grip and get back with the program.  I find it so funny that when the 'team' at the wls clinic asked me to do this I thought it was a complete waste of time - and I still thought it was a complete waste of time right up until the time I had surgery...  After surgery I was in a stall and couldn't seem to get out of it, so one day I came on here and tracked my food intake & soon I wanted to do it - but for me - for my eyes only - not so someone could look at it and analyze all of my shortcomings!  Anyway, I got a bit off track over the holidays too and I am going to start tracking my intake again & get the heck back to the gym!!  

Don't beat yourself up, just get up & dust yourself off & go from here - that's what I'm trying to do!   :))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 1/2/11 10:45 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Well ... the biggest thing I have to learn is that this is a life time commitment and life ... happens. You can't beat yourself up - just keep heading in the right direction.

Best of luck, Sus! Happy New Year!
on 1/3/11 5:28 am
Thanks for the positive comments.  I'm hoping I'm back on track now....
Happy New Year to you too!

A in NS
on 1/7/11 1:17 am
How's it going?  I'm pretty much back on track now & hoping to stay there!  At least 'till next Christmas when we'll all be back on here complaining about getting off track again!!  lol

Thanks for the nice comments in the friend request - I appreciate it!!  :))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 1/7/11 9:16 am
I have had a pretty good week.  My birthday was Wednesday and I went out to lunch with a friend and had Scallop pesto fettucine which was delicious but not so good for me!!

Since August when I attended the group session, I had lost around 36 lbs up to Christmas.  Over the holidays I gained around 5 lbs back but this week I have lost 1 or 2 lbs.  I try hard to only get weighed on Sundays, as opposed to daily which can drive me crazy!!! so I will know better on Sunday.  I do NEED to get back to walking though, I think that for me that is a huge key. 

I am very glad that you are back on track and I too hope that you stay there until next Christmas!!!  I cannot wait to hear from someone about some kind of appointment but as "they" say patience is a virtue
Keep up the good work!

A in NS
on 1/7/11 11:10 am
It's so true about the walking - if I don't get out (which I didn't today - my 3 year old is sick) I usually don't lose...  

Hang in there - they should be calling soon!!  It's a long wait & sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel - but hey, you have already started - 36 lbs is awesome!!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
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