When Your Mouth Sez: YES!! But Your Tummy Sez: Nuh Uh!!
Ho-Kay ... I am 4 weeks post op. (YAY! I survived a hard 5 weeks!)
First let me say that I am down 46 lbs as of this morning! (WOOT!) I have also lost just shy of 25 inches off my whole body... over 4.5 inches off my waist and a whopping 6.25 off my hips ... whoa! I actually put on a pair of jeans on Saturday that are a size 20 ... I had been squeezing my parts into a 24 wide pant when I left work just before my surgery ... that felt amazing! I didn't even have to fight with the zipper to get it up ... unreal. This part feels so amazing - like a new lease on life.
Now ... on to the (only slightly) less positive remarks ... so, I am FINALLY allowed to eat something that resembles food. (Yes, I missed it ... very much - although I have continued cooking for the family ... and I am a good cook, so it was a little on the masochistic side, really, with all the yummy smells, textures and colors.) Anyhoo - I started out with eggs. I made myself an omelet - just with a little milk in it - two bites in, I knew there was no way I'd be eating any more. Then I tried a poached egg (hours later) which I mashed up with a little milk - no dice. Then I thought I'd try some chopped up crab meat - it's pretty soft and somewhat different than eggs - that went down pretty good, albeit there was a very small amount actually consumed ... perhaps a half ounce or so.
Last night, we had no power (hadn't had any all day and the night before). I had some cooked sweet potato and ground chicken in the fridge. I was able to heat that up in a pan on the BBQ and I ate it last night for dinner. It tasted like heaven ... and I had to really watch how fast I was eating ( it was about an ounce and a half of chicken - of which I ate a little more than half and about a tablespoon of sweet potato) ... Now, I didn't get sick or anything, but my poor poor tummy was NOT HAPPY! A cup of decaf mint green tea sipped by the teaspoon did help clear it up, but I suffered for about an hour and a half.
So - I have noticed that since Monday, my tolerance is slightly better - but I am curious if everyone else experienced fairly substantial discomfort when introducing solids again and if there are any tricks or suggestions ( that don't involve my continuing to 'drink' meals - 'cause if I see another bowl of cream of mushroom soup, I WILL commit a murder with it!! You don't want that on your conscience now - do you?)
Otherwise, life is good! I miss food - in an almost spiritual way. I didn't really expect that to be so profound. Food is such a big part of who I am, how I show love for my family, how I create Christmas, celebrate birthdays, deal with stress, get myself outta bed some mornings, reward myself for not giving my children away to a stranger passing by my driveway some days... you know - it's been something I have lived for ... for most of my adult life. I'm not really talking about 'junky food' (although ... I'd sell a body part for a Swiss Chalet Club Wrap with Chalet sauce about now - not that I could physically eat the darned thing ... but I want one) ... no, I'm even talking about salads and fruit and eggs and BBQ chicken or lean pork ... I know it is coming and I have gotten through the hardest part, but it BLOWS MY MIND how much food is in the forefront of my consciousness.
But THEN ... I get on that scale and another 2 lbs are gone since a day ago ... and nothing else in the world matters. It's quite a roller coaster - and I see more clearly now than EVER before why dieting would NEVER have worked for me ... NOT EVER. I am so glad that I had this surgery ... so grateful for this tool and so completely in awe of the psychological journey I have started - it simply.blows.my.mind.
For those of you who have done/are doing this - did/are you experience(ing) any of this? And - for those of you just starting out ... keep at it, try to prepare yourself for some of this - BUT ... don't be scared. It's like learning to ride a bike, but there are huge training wheels attached to catch you if you should fall.
Hope you are all enjoying the lead up to the holidays!
Take good care.
First let me say that I am down 46 lbs as of this morning! (WOOT!) I have also lost just shy of 25 inches off my whole body... over 4.5 inches off my waist and a whopping 6.25 off my hips ... whoa! I actually put on a pair of jeans on Saturday that are a size 20 ... I had been squeezing my parts into a 24 wide pant when I left work just before my surgery ... that felt amazing! I didn't even have to fight with the zipper to get it up ... unreal. This part feels so amazing - like a new lease on life.
Now ... on to the (only slightly) less positive remarks ... so, I am FINALLY allowed to eat something that resembles food. (Yes, I missed it ... very much - although I have continued cooking for the family ... and I am a good cook, so it was a little on the masochistic side, really, with all the yummy smells, textures and colors.) Anyhoo - I started out with eggs. I made myself an omelet - just with a little milk in it - two bites in, I knew there was no way I'd be eating any more. Then I tried a poached egg (hours later) which I mashed up with a little milk - no dice. Then I thought I'd try some chopped up crab meat - it's pretty soft and somewhat different than eggs - that went down pretty good, albeit there was a very small amount actually consumed ... perhaps a half ounce or so.
Last night, we had no power (hadn't had any all day and the night before). I had some cooked sweet potato and ground chicken in the fridge. I was able to heat that up in a pan on the BBQ and I ate it last night for dinner. It tasted like heaven ... and I had to really watch how fast I was eating ( it was about an ounce and a half of chicken - of which I ate a little more than half and about a tablespoon of sweet potato) ... Now, I didn't get sick or anything, but my poor poor tummy was NOT HAPPY! A cup of decaf mint green tea sipped by the teaspoon did help clear it up, but I suffered for about an hour and a half.
So - I have noticed that since Monday, my tolerance is slightly better - but I am curious if everyone else experienced fairly substantial discomfort when introducing solids again and if there are any tricks or suggestions ( that don't involve my continuing to 'drink' meals - 'cause if I see another bowl of cream of mushroom soup, I WILL commit a murder with it!! You don't want that on your conscience now - do you?)
Otherwise, life is good! I miss food - in an almost spiritual way. I didn't really expect that to be so profound. Food is such a big part of who I am, how I show love for my family, how I create Christmas, celebrate birthdays, deal with stress, get myself outta bed some mornings, reward myself for not giving my children away to a stranger passing by my driveway some days... you know - it's been something I have lived for ... for most of my adult life. I'm not really talking about 'junky food' (although ... I'd sell a body part for a Swiss Chalet Club Wrap with Chalet sauce about now - not that I could physically eat the darned thing ... but I want one) ... no, I'm even talking about salads and fruit and eggs and BBQ chicken or lean pork ... I know it is coming and I have gotten through the hardest part, but it BLOWS MY MIND how much food is in the forefront of my consciousness.
But THEN ... I get on that scale and another 2 lbs are gone since a day ago ... and nothing else in the world matters. It's quite a roller coaster - and I see more clearly now than EVER before why dieting would NEVER have worked for me ... NOT EVER. I am so glad that I had this surgery ... so grateful for this tool and so completely in awe of the psychological journey I have started - it simply.blows.my.mind.
For those of you who have done/are doing this - did/are you experience(ing) any of this? And - for those of you just starting out ... keep at it, try to prepare yourself for some of this - BUT ... don't be scared. It's like learning to ride a bike, but there are huge training wheels attached to catch you if you should fall.
Hope you are all enjoying the lead up to the holidays!
Take good care.
First of all - 46lbs!! HOLEY MOLEY!!! :))))) Congrats!! Don't get too attached to those size 20 pants, 'cause they won't fit you for long!!
I could eat about the same amount that you can that far out and then I would get a pain under my breastbone which I soon realized was my full signal (and or hiccups) - it can be so sudden that it's a little startling! I had a pain every time I was full for the first month or two (don't be worried if you haven't been sleeved yet, it's not really a big deal after you realize what it is & it's not that bad - and that feeling changed around the 3rd month!) anyway, I could only eat a spoonful or two & that was it - it did actually help me to use the little silverware - I still do, actually. Anyway, I can eat 2 - 4 oz of dense protein at a meal now (depending on the day - sometimes I'm hungry, sometimes not so much) and I would love to have that major restriction back - boy oh boy the weight fell off - just breathing made it melt away - so try to enjoy this magical time!! lol Don't get me wrong, it still comes of pretty fast over all, but nothing like those first couple of months :)) Sooo, my advice is to just go slow and keep in mind that the discomfort and the major restriction you are feeling now and the new 'full' feeling will all change in a couple of months, so just try to take it day by day & hang in there. Jeff had the same issues - I think most of us do!
The mental part has changed for me too - don't get me wrong, I still LOVE food, but now my perception of what 'a lot' is has changed drastically - as has my idea of 'cheating'! Sometimes I think I have been eating all day (because I do still have hungry days) and when I look at my food log I am at around 800 calories - and I'm thinking WTH I haven't stopped eating!! lol
Keep talking about what's bothering/concerning you - for me this forum was a life saver! Congrats on your success so far!!

I could eat about the same amount that you can that far out and then I would get a pain under my breastbone which I soon realized was my full signal (and or hiccups) - it can be so sudden that it's a little startling! I had a pain every time I was full for the first month or two (don't be worried if you haven't been sleeved yet, it's not really a big deal after you realize what it is & it's not that bad - and that feeling changed around the 3rd month!) anyway, I could only eat a spoonful or two & that was it - it did actually help me to use the little silverware - I still do, actually. Anyway, I can eat 2 - 4 oz of dense protein at a meal now (depending on the day - sometimes I'm hungry, sometimes not so much) and I would love to have that major restriction back - boy oh boy the weight fell off - just breathing made it melt away - so try to enjoy this magical time!! lol Don't get me wrong, it still comes of pretty fast over all, but nothing like those first couple of months :)) Sooo, my advice is to just go slow and keep in mind that the discomfort and the major restriction you are feeling now and the new 'full' feeling will all change in a couple of months, so just try to take it day by day & hang in there. Jeff had the same issues - I think most of us do!
The mental part has changed for me too - don't get me wrong, I still LOVE food, but now my perception of what 'a lot' is has changed drastically - as has my idea of 'cheating'! Sometimes I think I have been eating all day (because I do still have hungry days) and when I look at my food log I am at around 800 calories - and I'm thinking WTH I haven't stopped eating!! lol
Keep talking about what's bothering/concerning you - for me this forum was a life saver! Congrats on your success so far!!

Congratulations on the surgery and the weight loss!!!! Way to go 
I find it very interesting to read your comments....very informative for someone who is looking forward to having the surgery. It is hard to imagine that I will ever feel full with a couple of spoonfuls of anything. It's also nice to hear that everyone seems to have the same experience.
Keep up the good work!

I find it very interesting to read your comments....very informative for someone who is looking forward to having the surgery. It is hard to imagine that I will ever feel full with a couple of spoonfuls of anything. It's also nice to hear that everyone seems to have the same experience.
Keep up the good work!