surgery done

on 12/15/10 5:04 am - Mainland,NS, Canada
 (oday which is the next morningi had one of the resident come in with students to check my belly an d then I had another dr come in that was part of the team to ask how I was and do follow up.then the hello all,
I finally get a chance to  check in.  i  arrived at the hospital at 8:30 and went to the tenth floor  for check in. you sign your name to a sheet and wait for one of the  ladies to come out and confirm your information such as  name and health card and any private insurance  for room coverage youmay have. they then give you the file with the papers in it and take down to the end of the hall on the right hand side on the tenth floor. they take your file and  take you to a room to change into a gown and slippers only. if you have baggage they give you tags to put on them and  you put them on a luggage cart where it gets taken down to you room  once you are done in the OR.
You then go upstairs to wait int the OR patient holding area where they ask you more questions regarding  last meal and confirming name and health card number. after all that is done you then wait in the holding patient area  for the team to come like surgeons and etc to talk with you and reconfirm medications that were taken and when or any changes. they leave and then the nurse will come to collect you for  surgery  and off you go. Dr. Ellsmeres team is excellent  . I did not see or interac with during this time.
on 12/15/10 6:18 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
Glad to see it is all done. But how are you feeling? You never
on 12/15/10 6:53 am - Mainland,NS, Canada
 not doing well keeping water down at all!!
A in NS
on 12/15/10 8:33 am
So the swallow test went ok then   :)  Don't worry, it will get easier as the hours pass 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/15/10 7:51 pm - Canada
Yahoo your new journey begins! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
on 12/16/10 5:55 am - Mainland,NS, Canada
Hi Guys and Gals,

Well my surgery was on the 14th  and  they kept me in the hospital today which is an extra day as I was not keeping anything  down at all. Even ice chips. UGHHH. Not gonna lie it has been a rough rode  I face and they say it will be for a while. I am tired alot . Sleeping alot.

No matter how many weeks ou have done the die before your surgery afterwards you are sooooo  dehydrated that you just want to drink and you cant .

I am now feeling a bit  sick to my stomach but  hanging in there.

My depression pills I had to come off for a  few days and also  I may have to  change them due o the release times of them and my new smaller somach...

Thanks for all your concerns.

Someone asked me re my  journey ime: My  family doctor put in for me on May of 2009 ,and went to the Info Session  in March of 2010,filled out physcological evaluaion in June 2010,met the team in Sept and then Dr.Ellsmere in October  and surgery on Dec 14 at Noon.

on 12/16/10 8:46 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Hang in there Mel.  A lot of us have been through the recovery stage and know how tough it can be.  Just have faith to know this time will pass and you will start to feel better and begin to tolerate food.  It will come faster than you think.  Don't keep thinking ahead, just take this one day at a time.  Listen to your body and get to understand the new sensations and feelings your body is adjusting to.   Learn to appreciate all you've been through and know this is the best thing you could have done to take back a healthy life. 

We're all here for you and are your shoulders to cry on if you need. 

When I had my surgery they did things so slow.  I arrived the day before surgery, and it was 3 days after the operation before I was allowed to even have ice (I was so dry).  Absolutely nothing entered my body by mouth, only IV for that time.  The 4th day, I started with Ice chips, and the 5th day I graduated to jello & broth.  The 6th day I was allowed to go home and start on the semi-liquids.  I was very luck to be able to leave on the 6th day.  A few others had to stay an extra day or two.  They used to do our surgeries in groups, so there was a whole floor designated to us WLS patients at the VG hospital.  The would get us up out of bed and walking the same day after surgery too.  I don't know if you've been up yet, but just go slow.  And sleep is your best medicine right now.

I'm just telling you this to let you know it will get easier and we understand what you're experiencing today.

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 12/16/10 11:37 am - Mainland,NS, Canada
 thanks coreena
Yes yesterday was my worst day yet not to bad now . was up walking the first night  not very far. was given fragmin. was up a bit yesterday but very tired. today was downstairs twice. seen pizza piZzA and thought damn that would be good now but really no cravings. 
I am worried about my depression medication effexor xr as the pharmacologist said may have to find a new drug and that is very concerning. that is the only one that works for my depression and have tried many others. so we shall see when talk to my family doctor.
A in NS
on 12/16/10 11:52 am
So do they think you will have to stop taking effexor completely or just for a while until your stomach heals up some?  I've never heard of them stopping one altogether - not that that means anything! :s  I wonder if effexor has a 'sister' drug that would get you through until you can take it again?

It's good that you're up and about - Coreena is right though, do be sure to try to let your worries go long enough to get sleep - and it will get better and better as your new stomach heals & some of the swelling goes down. 

I had a pretty smooth surgery all in all, but what bothered me is the anesthetic coming out of my system - it makes me very anxious & weepy every time & I worry about things 100x as much - I hate anesthetic for that reason - I'm sure I must seem like a crazy person to anyone who has ever seen me in that state!    Hang in there chicky!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 12/16/10 6:41 pm - Canada
Welcome to the other side Mel. It will get better, I promise. As far as antidepressants have you tried cipralex? Hang in there.
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