What Vitamins do you take?
My bloodwork is done usually once per year---my "surgery" is usually forgotten about with the doctor after all these years. So I have to remind her. I have a sheet to get bloodwork done maybe today.
My last tests came back all clear last winter. The only issues I've ever had was platlettes low a couple years back, but that's because I overused aspirin for cluster headaches when my doctor tried to switch me off of Tylenol (had some weird big bruises one time). Now I use Ibuprophen and I'm "good"!!
My last tests came back all clear last winter. The only issues I've ever had was platlettes low a couple years back, but that's because I overused aspirin for cluster headaches when my doctor tried to switch me off of Tylenol (had some weird big bruises one time). Now I use Ibuprophen and I'm "good"!!