I am soooo happy
I went for my meeting with the "team" it wasn't too bad. I was so worried aout it. They asked a lot of questions and red my material and said it was very well done. After that was done they sent me to walk around a bit while the chatted. Diana had to come find me cos she thought I was walking to Truro. lol So I went in and they started saying they wanted me to go on a 1200 cal. diet and told me of a few changes I should make. Then she said oh yeah we think you can handle it so you are going to have the sergery. I was like omg I am so relieved when they said that. I have to change some of my meds. and insullin. a few other things. I still have't gone through it all yet.
Man I am so happy and excited right now I could jump over the month. Not too many people know about what I am doing and I told the ones that do know not to dare tell anyone else.lol I just want to keep it to myself until after it happens and they start noticing I am losing. lol
Anyone with any questions for me leave a comment here.
I am so happy I found this place and thank you Angie for really getting this forum going.

So sweet of you to thank me, but I'm not sure that I did anything more than the rest of us on here - I just talk too much!! lol I'm so happy for everyone getting approved lately - I remember when I finally got my date I was so happy I cried, then I got freaked out and cried some more - then happy again - it was so bizarre!!