Maybe I don't have as much to lose as I thought??

A in NS
on 9/25/10 11:36 pm

I had my body composition done the other day at the hospital and I like what it said!!  Apparently women should aim for 30% body fat (since we have boobs) and I am at 42% now.  I am down to 226lbs as of this morning and the analyzer said I would be in the normal range for my body when I hit 186.5 - that's ONLY 40LBS!!!   That would put my BMI at 32.9 which is still obese - but who knows?  I think I will leave my ticker goal weight where it is for now though  :)

The last time I had this done was in July 2009 (just on a little hand held machine though) my body fat % was 50% - of course, the thing only went up to 50% so who knows what it really was! 

I am doing great these days - the weight isn't coming off as fast as I would like, but I knew the loss rate would slow down - I was just hoping it wouldn't be this soon....  I haven't had any trouble eating any kind of food (there isn't much room left after the protein & I don't experiment too much with stuff I shouldn't be eating - but man, I have been craving grapes - weird, right?) - I have never vomited since surgery - I did feel like it once but I took a gas-x and the feeling went away.  I am able to do whatever exercise I want and I don't get as tired as I used to.   Everyone notices that I have lost weight and all comment on how great I look - sometimes it's a little overwhelming to me & it makes me uncomfortable, but if I HAVE to be the center of attention...!  lol  Now if I were only rich and able to buy a new wardrobe at every size!!!  lol


 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 9/26/10 6:55 am - Canada
Fabulous progress Angie.  Keep up the good work.
Weight lost since surgery
on 9/28/10 2:24 am - Lockhartville, Canada
Angie - do you mind me asking how you lost so much weight prior to your surgery? (from 07 on, that is)

I want you to know that for someone like me, still in the preliminary stages of this journey ... you are somewhat of a beacon. Thank you for that.  For sharing your ups & downs.

My clinical appointment is tomorrow and I haven't been able to lose more than 9 lbs and I even gained one of those back. I am fearful this will be an issue for qualification purposes. ACK! It is what it is ... can't change it now.
A in NS
on 9/28/10 8:59 am
Hi Dani,
It was a sloooow process...  we started slowly doing small things like changing butter for Becel (still use Becel buttery and I like it better than butter!) white bread for whole wheat, 2% milk for skim - you know the drill....  and then we started finding healthier ways to cook the things we really like - for me it's pizza - we take a small whole wheat pita, spread it with tomato paste (watch what one you get - some are a lot higher in salt than others) and top it with veggies, light cheese, pizza spices, and some veggie pepperoni (not great on it's own, but good on pizza)...  for my husband it was fish & chips - so we (and when I say we, I mean Jeff - he's the cook in this house - no one wants to eat what I make!  lol) cut up potatoes and tossed them in olive oil & baked them and breaded the haddock in panko bread crumbs and baked it - yummy!  You have to do away with tarter sauce if you like it though, cause it's so baaaad for you... I use lemon instead now.  We ate lots of salad with walnuts, grapes, croutons (fresh gourmet brand from sobeys is pretty tasty) and yogurt based dressing (Bolthouse mostly).  Drink, drink, drink and we took up walking - it's nice that we both are doing it so if one of us doesn't feel like it the other one nags until you go anyway!  lol  It really does help to have a hubby who is on board with the whole thing... 

I think you will be fine with 9lbs lost - I think they're looking to see that you can lose weight & take direction from them.... really, if you could lose lots of weight on your own, what do you need them for??   Good luck and let us know how it goes!!

By the way, I don't mind you asking at all - if you have any more questions just let me know - and thanks for the compliment - I like being a beacon!!!  lol
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 9/29/10 3:26 am - Lockhartville, Canada
Hmm... I have done MANY of these things already and I continue to gain. I still have the real ****a now and then (though as of today, I suppose I will not anymore).

I don't drink anything bu****er and I consume 2 - 3 litres of it per day.

This whole weight debaucle drives me batty. I resent it like a crazy person (like it is the fat's fault and not mine).

The good news is that they recommended me for surgery and I should be done in November. YAY (I think)

So ... it's their diet plan for the next two months for me and then I suppose I'll be facing a whole new raft of questions.

Thanks for the info. Good news from the gym today, hey? I think I'd bend over and kiss my own behind if I could get down to 180 ... woo hoo!
A in NS
on 9/29/10 10:28 pm
The key for me was exercise - If I don't move, it doesn't come off.  Even now that I am sleeved it comes off much faster when I exercise - if I miss a day it slows down - I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but I'm not taking any chances!  :) 

YAY you got approved for surgery and it's coming up soon!!  Don't worry about the little feelings of anxiousness about the surgery - I think we all get those, but I am so glad that I had it done!  You can do the diet for 2 months - just look at it like this, it's your last two months of struggling with your weight like we always have in the past!!!  You can do it!!!  I am so happy to have changed my ticker weight - and if I get to 180 and decide I want to lose more, I can!  
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 9/28/10 9:18 am
Hey, I went to the gym today and they did all of my measurements/weight/body fat/lean muscle mass - and guess what - they came up with 180lbs being a healthy weight for me too!!!  I changed my ticker - so now it says only 46.6 lbs to go!!!  :))))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 9/28/10 12:05 pm - Nova Scotia, Canada
Congrats Angie on your tremendous success.  I like your idea of going for the analysis % of body fat and figuring out your numbers.  I must figure that one out and get it done.  I've been on a major stall for the last 7 months, up a couple down a couple, so basically maintaining I guess.

If you don't mind me asking how tall are you? and how exactly do they figure out the percentages?

Take care,

                5'10 ~ HW 333 / SW 319 / CW 223 / Goal 170

A in NS
on 9/28/10 7:00 pm
Hi Nadine - I don't mind at all  :)  I'm 5'3" so not that tall...  They take your body fat % (that they do with the little hand held thing that measures your fat % somehow) and your height & weight and they figure it out on a calculator - I have no idea what the calculations are though....  But if you want to get it done I had it done at GoodLife Fitness ( while on a free "try it for a week" pass - they do a fitness assessment and show you all of the equipment - this was part of the assessment.  If you're not already a member maybe you can try it for free too and get this done and if you are already a member I'm sure they would do it for you now.
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
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