I'm so proud of myself!

A in NS
on 9/6/10 2:16 am
My father-in-law is visiting for 3 weeks from Ontario (he's been here since Sept. 2) He has no idea that I have had WLS & I have no intentions of telling him...  anyway, last night they brought home KFC for supper (hubby wasn't going to because it wouldn't be fair to me, but I said thanks! but go ahead this time) so it's all gone now & I didn't touch any of it - not even once!  I was a little tempted, but since I knew they were getting this, I got a provolone & mushroom stuffed chicken breast (PC brand - YUMMY!!) and some Laughing Cow cheese (which I hadn't tried before because it didn't have that much protein in it - also YUMMY!!) and then I had my husband drop me off about 5 km from home & by the time I walked home my chicken was ready and they were almost done with the KFC - worked great!  Today they had the leftovers for lunch & I had my leftovers too.  Wow, this sounds like it could be a passage from "Diary of a food addict"!!  lol  Maybe I should write that book!!  lol  I know to some this is no big deal, but for me, it's huge - that's right, I'm a LOSER!!!!!  YAHOO!!!!   Now if he would only eat the freaking cookies that he brought home the other day!!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 9/6/10 5:17 am - Canada
Way to go Angie!!!
Weight lost since surgery
on 9/6/10 7:09 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
 wtg Angie      I can't tell by your ticker how much weight you have lost since the surgery. Also I was wondering what was it like when you talked to Dr. Elsmere? and did he tell you when your surgery would be done or did they notify you later? Thanks
A in NS
on 9/6/10 11:06 pm
Dr. Ellesmere was great - he doesn't spend a lot of time on chit chat, but he is more than willing to answer any questions you may have.  He looked at my belly to see how hard his job was going to be.  I didn't get a date when I was there, they called me a couple of weeks later to give me my surgery date (it was right around vacation time for the wls team so it took a while).  Once you have your appointment with him it won't take long!!  :))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/10 10:26 am - Canada
Good job!!!  We all can appreciate and understand what you did!! 
on 9/6/10 10:30 am - Nova Scotia, Canada
Way to go Angie, and a 5km walk before supper to boot, you ROCK.  Thanks so much for sharing.


                5'10 ~ HW 333 / SW 319 / CW 223 / Goal 170

A in NS
on 9/6/10 11:07 pm
Thanks guys!  I love this place!! 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
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