Got my referral! *\o/*

on 9/19/09 6:53 am - Port Hood, Canada
Had my appointment with my doctor last Friday and she said that she would send in the referral for me. I am so excited as I expected her to want to try some other options first.

Still haven't told my family yet. I figure, considering the long wait I have to go before anything even happens, that I can put that off for a while yet. ;)

But YAY!! At least the ball has started rolling. :D

on 9/19/09 1:38 pm - Canada
Good for you! Your first step is in the right direction. Now it all gonna be a wild ride. Keep on posting and keeping us up to date with your progress.

Chow, Sugarbear
on 9/19/09 10:03 pm - Port Hood, Canada
Thank you!! *G* I'm very excited and considering I haven't told my family and my best friend who I DID tell had a seriously bad response to it, I have no one in my RL to be excited with so I'm definitely going to be using the boards here to share the excitement. *grins*
on 9/19/09 10:57 pm - Canada
Yeah, sometime best friends are like that. They jump to conclusions without knowing the details. YOu might like to point her to this website and learn something about your surgery. Once she is educated and knows what you are talking about and understands how important this is to you, she might come on board.  Education is the key to all of this.  If she doesn't, well, she doesn't. Eventually she will see how happy and committed you are and if she doesn't come around then, well, I would consider her meaning of friendship. Enough said, you will always find friends who understand here, even if we are only CYBER. I only live an hour or so from you so we could  become face to face friends with no trouble at all.  Keep that in mind as you progress through this wild, exciting ride. Hang in girl!!!
on 9/20/09 1:03 am - Port Hood, Canada
Thank you! :)

Yeah, I'm hoping that she's eventually going to be okay with it. The wait will be years and she'll have time to adjust (she doesn't do well with change). She has said, after the rather awful initial response that she will support me, but I think, at least for now, the best course of action is to not talk about it with her. Regardless of anyone's reaction to it, I still plan to go ahead with it as soon as I possibly can (probably 5 years minimum, this I know and am willing to accept) but I'm still hopeful that by the time I actually get the call everyone will be on board. :)
on 9/20/09 1:29 am - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hi there,

I fell the same way as you.  My referral was sent by my Dr.  to Dr. Ellsmere more than a month ago.  I have been reading everything I can on the various boards.  On the one hand I want to tell my sisters, but on the other hand I know it will be a loooong wait and I think - it is hard enough for me to wait it out, I'm not sure I want to deal with anyone else's reaction yet.......

So I haven't discussed anything with anyone except my husband as he opened the letter from the PEI out of payment coordinator who notified Dr. Ellsmere's office they would pay.

My husband doesn't like to talk about or think about anything that is so far in the future (same as when we book a vacation - he only wants to plan when it is 7 days out or so).

So I think about it alot, spend a lot of times on the boards and tell myself to be patient.  As you said - at least the ball as started rolling.

Thanks for posting, it is nice to share the good news......and maybe the long wait.

on 9/20/09 9:08 am - Port Hood, Canada
Yup. I figure, my parents and sisters are most likely going to be freaked by the drastic measures and will try and talk me out of it and I don't particularly want to spend the next 5-7 years having the same argument over and over.

While my friend had a HORRIBLE reaction to the news at first, I know that most likely, in the end, she'll probably end up being the most supportive but even still, at this point in time I don't think she's quite gotten to the place where she can talk to it about me without one or both of us getting upset.

I know these boards will offer the most support though because it's full of people that actually understand what it's like to reach a point where you're ready for something so drastic. I'm so thankful the boards are here, for that reason but also because it's so great to have so many people share their experiences with the surgery and post op and the years after the surgery so that we know what to expect.

Perhaps we'll end up getting the call around the same time!! :D *crosses fingers that it's sooner rather than later*
on 10/2/09 3:42 am - Canada
All the best to you guys, I know you will never regret it, so far, there has not been a day in 8 months that I have said the "oh god what did i do"

I have a very supportive husband, but no way was one of my sisters supporting me, nor my mom, now that sister will get done Toronto, hope she has good support, I will be there for her regardless, but now mom has come round to it, my best advise is to remember, this is you that you are doing it for, nobody else, and only you can make it work for you...enjoy it.


Believe in yourself, good things will happen

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