Support Groups/Consultation?

on 7/27/09 11:32 am - Port Hood, Canada

I have a question in regards to the support group that, from what I'm reading, you need to have in place before the WLS. What type of support group does it have to be? Because I just told my supposed best friend tonight that I am going to hopefully have the surgery and her support consisted of basically telling me that everyone/anyone can lose weight depending on how much effort they put into. In other words, I'm apparently not trying HARD enough to lose the weight (I've been struggling with my weight for 20+ years and believe me, I AM motivated to lose it).

I'm not expecting that when I tell my family the reaction will be much better. So...basically, I'm wondering if the support group has to be people that are around you every day or can it take on other forms, such as online friends, possibly other people in my area that have had WLS etc.

I read that you have to have one of your support team with you at the consultation?

Basically, I want to know if the fact that my family and friends are most likely going to be 100% UNsupportive, is going to screw up my chances of being looked at for this surgery??

on 7/27/09 8:36 pm - dartmouth, Canada

hi I am waiting for a call to have surgery and no one told me I had to go to a support  group I do believe it would be much harder if you didn't have people supporting you this site has been such a support and you will find a lot of support in this site also the NB site is best friend also doesn't think I should have the surgery but she is supportive.Also your GP and the team in halifax will give you great support and only tell people when you are ready and this is not an esay fix you will be losing the weight the surgery is just one part take care and keep your chin up

on 7/28/09 12:02 am - Port Hood, Canada
Thank you.

I do have a support group online, but no one close to me in real life. I'm hoping that between now and if I actually get to have the surgery that I'll find some people in my area that have had/are going to have the surgery so we can form a support group here. Just wanted to make sure that my lack of support from family/friends wasn't going to affect anything. :)
on 7/28/09 3:53 am - Canada
I think you mean a support system, right? Not a formal group.
Weight lost since surgery (Oct. 1, 2009): 47 lbs
on 7/28/09 4:30 am - Port Hood, Canada
Yes, a support system - no, sorry didn't mean a formal group. :)
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/09 10:10 am
VSG on 04/06/09 with
New Glasgow here....if that is any help to you.
on 8/3/09 11:15 am - Port Hood, Canada
Thanks :) I'm in Port Hood though, am hoping that, by the time I find out I'm able to get the surgery (crosses fingers) that there will be a support group/system closer to here as I don't drive so traveling too far away wouldn't really work. :)
on 8/11/09 1:44 am - Canada

Hellllo THERE, well you got friends here girl, no problems with support.  this is the best board for support, however, i am in the process (delays with me being summer busy) of setting up a support group. I will be posting a flyer in the next week to determine time date and place of the first meeting, unfortunatly the first one will be for the folks who have had surgery, the next and forward will be for everyone who is wanting, thinking or inquiring about the surtery.  I have lined up a dietician for speaker at the 2nd one.

add me as a friend, I can also help as much as I can with questions, but certainly everyone here is a great support for each other.

Now, the meetings at least to start will take place in Glace Bay, and i think to be fair, we can poss find an alternative location for every 2nd one to be in Sydney just to assist with the travel etc.

When I first announced to everyone i was doing this, had one sister turn her back and still will not speak to me, and my mother was not in agreement, it caused problems, but i had my husband to help and support, but the strongest support you will need or get is your own determination, trust me, they come arround and you will be feeling so good about yourself when you lose, you gain nothing back but your self confidence.

let the clinic know that you are going to rely on both the help of friends, and this board as well as the groups.  they know not everyone will have their family to rely on and at times, it is better that way.

Be strong, be confident, and your time to lose is just round the corner.

Believe in yourself, good things will happen

on 8/11/09 4:45 am - Port Hood, Canada
Thank you! :) I've added you as a friend.

At the moment Sydney/Glace Bay is just too far to travel for me - I'm in Port Hood. But I would definitely appreciate it if you (or anyone on the board really) could answer any questions I might have as I go along. :)

My doctor's appointment is September 11th. I'm hoping that she will send in the referral that day but am prepared for her to want me to try alternative methods before doing something so drastic. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to calmly explain what I've been trying for the last 20+ years without losing it. At this point, I'm SO frustrated with people telling me I should explore other options before doing this. *snort* I don't know what else I could possibly try at this point. But I'm trying to be realistic about it, knowing that this isn't going to be a quick fix, nor is it going to be QUICK period (the whole referral and getting an appointment etc.) but I'm so very very ready for this to happen right NOW! LOL! This whole process is definitely going to teach me patience. ;)

Thanks again!! I'm so glad I found this board. :)
(deactivated member)
on 7/29/09 10:26 am - Canada
There is a member of this forum by the name of Jackie who has had surgery. She lives in CB. Maybe should would be good for you to talk too. If you want i can give you her info....
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