Info session Jan 13 with Dr B in NB

on 1/11/09 9:14 am - Glace Bay, Canada
I thought I would post this on the NS site as this site is really quiet. I am leaving in the morning for my day-long session with Dr. B in NB on Tuesday. I'm very excited to get this close . Say some prayers for us as its snowing out now and I sure hope it is nice in the AM to do the drive. I hate the winter driving as it is and gets nervous doing so. I'm soooo happy though to be this close..... Whoo Hooo!!!! 

Take care everyone in your journey,
Debbie from the Cape
on 1/11/09 10:53 am - moncton, Canada
congrat's !!  I live in NB, and I hear he is Very good as what he does. I'm sure you will do great!  I have been on the waiting list for almost 2yrs now, and don't suspect meeting him for a very long time - my Dr. indicated a very long waiting list.  I hope everything goes well, and will send clear skies for your travels.  :)   
on 1/12/09 11:42 am - New Maryland, Canada
Hi ladyslipper,
Have you considered going to Dr Savoie, the new surgeon in Bathurst.I don't know which surgery you have opted for, but it may be a good idea to have your doctor send a referral to Dr Marc Savoie.


on 1/13/09 9:47 am - moncton, Canada
I thank you very much for the tip.  I will add him to my list. I have a Dr.Klassen from Halifax that someone had posted as well. Ofcourse, the closer to moncton the better.  I have No idea what my doctor did, if anything. He ( My Dr ) is Very old school and not a believer in any of this Fandangled new expieriment gizmo's ... His words, not   I am gathering names, numbers.. gonna go back to him and demand some action.   Weather for tomorrow, light snow -fluffy.. not sappose to be too bad, just Cold.  Can't wait to hear how everything goes :)

on 1/12/09 8:15 am - Canada
Debbie I am so happy for you !!!!

Travel safe and be sure to post for everyone how you made out and if they give you an idea of when they think surgery will be.....hope its soon for you - its so hard waiting once you make the last few hurdles.....  patience is not my virtue!!!

Happy thoughts for sunny and great weather!


        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

on 1/12/09 11:45 am - New Maryland, Canada
OK Debbie from the Cape- did your appointment go? We are dying to know the details.
Charline from the NEW Maryland  LOL


on 1/13/09 8:51 pm - Glace Bay, Canada
Good morning everyone,

I have bags under my eyes but I'm happy.  The day long session went very well. There was 5 people in the session including me and the team at the Bariatric Clinic are sooo sooo nice. They fed us alot of info and I got to ask all the questions I wanted about Gastric Bypass and the Band. I'm still going with the Gastic Bypass and by the sounds of things they are going to go very quickly now. They estimated we would have our surgery sometime in March or sooner. I didn't gain weight over Xmas....whoo hooo--but didn't lose any  So they were happy with that. My BMI is 54.4 and I do qualify for the Gastic Bypass operation. :) My next session is to sign papers (1hr session). After that a 4 hr session for pre-admission (getting tests done and further info), the last session before surgery is just a weigh-in. You must lose weight from your first weigh-in with them up to the surgery time for ALL operations to make sure the liver shrinks. Two weeks before surgery you must drink opti-fast that cost about $240 for the 2-week supply. They give you the contact # to order this product for it is not purchased over the shelf. So the good news is I qualify for the Gastirc Bypass which is funded out of province and the band is not. I'm on my way to a healthier me for the change starts today with the eating habits and cutting out POP..... :)  Take care everyone.

Debb from the Cape
on 1/15/09 10:36 pm - Canada
congrats to you Deb, now your session seems diff than mine, I would love to chat about it, we are in the same town.  I did one week liquid diet to start, had no problem, then one week before surgery, they tell me to do it again, then the one day prior I have liquid only clear...I have never heard of optifast, is this a protien drink?

Believe in yourself, good things will happen

on 1/19/09 1:24 am - Canada
Hi Debbie, 
Did they give you an idea how long it would be before you hear about your pre-admission testing? Do you just have to wait for a call (again)? It seems like all we do is wait! After seven years of waiting, I guess I should be used to it! 
maggie L.
on 1/13/09 11:36 pm - Willio Grove, Canada
Hi Deb from the cape. I'm glad you made it to and fro safely. Winter driving sucks. I live in Saint John and that is still too far to drive for me. I am having RNY too. Hopefully we will be done soon. I went for consent signing this past Monday and I met and talked with Dr. B. Next step for me is preadmission. Just waiting for the phone call. My weight thing bothers me. I lost 40 some pounds from June to Oct and now I seem to be on the upswing of the yo-yo. I will have to try harder. Good luck and I hope you get in to your consent signing soon.
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