Surgery on the 8th October

on 9/28/08 10:19 pm, edited 9/28/08 11:08 pm - Canada
Hi... my first post on this forum.
I am scheduled for a sleeve gastrectomy with Dr Ellsmere in Halifax on the 8th October. This appointment came out of the blue so I'm scrambling to get all the details. I expect to hear back from the Obesity Clinic early this week with more instructions. The receptionist mentioned clear fluids only for 24 hours pre-op but I have read in here folks on liquid diets for 2 weeks prior to the surgery? Can anyone here please explain. I also wonder if there are any "stickies" or FAQs on the things I shoud be preparing for and expecting before and after surgery? Many thanks

on 9/30/08 12:53 pm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hi Frank,
I will post more. But, the Nutrionist will get ahold of you and you will go on a week of fluids. It is to get you mentally ready for afterwards and it will shrink you liver. Thats a bonus!. I did it for two weeks and it made surgery a breeze. I didn't mind the operation. It was the long haul. Will get into that more tomorrow.

Wish you all the best!


Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

on 9/30/08 10:40 pm, edited 9/30/08 10:41 pm - Canada
Many thanks Donna!
I am waiting to hear back from Diana (?) the Nurse at the Obesity Clinic and also to go in for my 1/2 day pre-admission screening. I may now have to wait until the 20th October for surgery as they say with sleep apnea I need  a special bed, and they have none available on the 8th... I am succesfully using a CPAP machine so hope I can convince them I don't need the special bed and stay with the 8th. I guess I'm impatient to get on with it ;-)
Yesterday I started replacing one meal a day with a protien shake. I also understand it is to get used to it for post-op... I'm also trying out a few different varieties to find which one I like the best (or dislike the least) any tips for what and where I can buy it?. Not quite sure I understand how a liquid diet shrinks the liver? Did they give any more explanation than that?
I have been eating very low to zero carbs for the last 7 weeks anyway and I'm hoping to keep that up after surgery. It looks like folks are advised to eat high protein but low-fat... why low fat... is there a digestive problem with fat after sleeve gastrectomy or is it something else?
Sorry about all the newbie questions ;-) I'm sure I can ask them at the clinic as well but I'm keen to get on!
Thanks again

on 10/4/08 9:26 am - Coldbrook, Canada
Hi Frank

 I am so glad for you. My husband is waiting for Dr Ellsmere. How long did you have to wait till you hear from his office. I heard if you have co-morbidities you could move up the list faster?
  Good luck with your surgery. The start of a new journey.
on 10/5/08 10:40 pm - Canada
Hi Frank, so how was your weekend in terms of food?  How are you finding your pre-op fasting or is there a fasting period.  I am so excited to hear how you make out on Wednesday.  Fingers crossed that all goes well. Cheers, Sugarbear
on 10/5/08 10:56 pm, edited 10/5/08 11:06 pm - Canada
I am just now playing "phone-tag" with the pre-admission office to see if there is any chance I may still go in this week or wait until the 20th (as above). No word on any pre-op diet yet though I have been very low carbing for nearly 2 months now and last week started substituting a protein shake for one meal a day.

Finaly heard from the pre-admissions clinic and they are seeing me on Wednesady 8th October so I guess that means surgery is confirmed for the 20th October... frustrating but I really can't complain it is only a few more days to wait... (AAARRGH!)

on 10/8/08 10:18 pm - Canada
How did your appointment go yesterday? Did you learn anything new and worth passing on to us "waiters".  It must be so exciting. I anticipate every day that I will get either a call or a letter from Halifax. My referral has only been since 3 weeks BUT they have to get in touch with me sometime. I am hoping it is sooner than later. I know there is a waiting list but I will feel better when I get some confirmation that I am on it. Chow for now and please keep us updated on your progress. Fingers crossed for you. Sugarbear
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