The real costs of surgery

on 6/3/08 7:20 am - Kentville, Canada
Ok I need to know what does MSI in nova scotia cover. I'm told nothing so what does it realy cost. for the bipass, the sleeve and the lap band surgery's ??????? And if they cover nothing what does someone that has nothing, no money, and no ways of borrowering any. stuck on social services because health problems don't alow you to work.... What out of the pocket costs are there????????
Wanda S.
on 6/3/08 11:26 am - Canada
msi does cover the surgery in nova scotia--they are covering mine next week.
on 6/4/08 3:53 am - Kentville, Canada
So your telling me that MSI covers the whole surgery?? What doctor is doing your surgery? Do you work and is your work insurance paying for some of the costs... Is the surgery in halifax don laprscopic? Im just in shock I have been told msi won't cover nothing for the past 6 years so I belived them.... Best of luck with your surgery..
Wanda S.
on 6/4/08 4:40 am - Canada
nope- msi is covering every penny. You have to be about 100 lbs overweight, or a little less with some medical conditions. Dr elsmere is doing mine in one week in halifax laproscopicly. Are you on the waiting list or not at all?
on 6/4/08 5:11 am - Canada
I am looking for information on how to get hold of this guy in Halifax. i have a doctor in Dartmouth, but he's not aware of a guy in Halifax doing this- the fact that it's covered by MSI is absolutely AMAZING, I talked to a lady there about 6 months ago and she said no, but then again, we were talking about out of province stuff as I wasn't aware of anything in NS. So how long did you wait once you were referred? I have been looking into this for over 7 years, off and on, was on a waiting list for Mr. MacDonald- glad I didn't get called for that one, as that was before I knew about the lap band. Any information you can give me would be WONDERFUL!!!! I am so happy for you that you are getting your surgery next week- jealous, but very happy. I know the journey to this point hasn't been easy, so I wish you all the best!
on 6/4/08 6:41 am - Kentville, Canada
no were're not on a waiting list, In fact every time I ask my family doctor he says I have people that have been on a waiting list now for 5-7 years and I am too high risk they won't do me. I have chron's dease, But I have found out that infact that people with chron's can have the band or the sleave done.. So I have your doctors name and I'm going in aremd next week to see my family doctor. It's not just me my husband wants it done to... So if I knew where to get the paper I could have it all filed out like you and just have him sign them....Knowing that MSI will cover it makes me feel a bit not much but a bit better.. Maybe there is hope there after all.. But I know this is just the start of the big long fight to get this done, but I'm ready to fight tooth and nail for this even if I have to go to the media, I'm tired of there not being anything out there for us.....
Wanda S.
on 6/4/08 8:38 am - Canada
I was on dr macdonalds list for about 6 years or so...but he was forced to retire at 65 and n.s was left with no doctor to do the surgery. The clinic finally opened up again in the beginning of this year and has only done a handfull of surgery's so far. There are 2 doctors doing the surgery and they do about 2 a week. I have been calling weekly for about 6 months, every few months before see where i was on the list. I definitely would say the squeaky wheel gets the oil. When i went to see the surgeon last month, he said there were 1200 people on the waiting list and said he wasnt sure how i got cherry picked but to be ready to go. gtg ttys
Wanda S.
on 6/5/08 7:31 am - Canada
sorry i had to leave and couldnt finish.... i had called the office quite often to see where i was on the list, im sure that helped me get bumped to the top. i say get on the list number 1, find a new doctor if your doctor will not refer you. Msi did not used to cover vsg but they do now. then call every few months to see where you are on the list. I was told the list had 1200 people on it but that they were going through it to see who was still interested, who had allready had it done, died etc... to narrow it down. Each doctor is doing 2 a week to my understanding. good luck, any more questions just ask
on 6/11/08 12:49 pm - Hantsport, Canada
I have been looking for a Dr in Nova Scotia where is Dr. Elsmere located.. what clinic?
on 6/17/08 11:58 am - Coldbrook, Canada
What is the cost to be healthy? My answer to this is priceless. Well I am glad to see that NS has started the Bariatric surgery again. But what is sad ia that they are not doing lap band. I had the lap band surgery and do not regrete one cent. Nova Scotia MSI will cover about 2000.00. THat's if you have the procedure in a hospital. The main reason why I went out of province is because 1 there was not surgery being done here. 2nd because I was able to get financing I had it done is a couple of months. All in all I am glad to see our home province giving what could be life saving surgery for many people who need it so much. Good luck on your journry. Laurie
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