I got bumped....

on 5/26/08 1:26 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Have to wait until June 2nd now!!!!...hopefully wont be anymore bumbing :O(
on 5/27/08 11:00 pm - Summerside, Canada
I am so sorry to hear you got bumped! At least it's not too far away. I am getting my surgery on Tuesday. The day after you. Perhaps I will see you in the hospital! I hope I don't get bumped! I am doing the liquid diet this week. Oh the fun! How are you doing? It is so emotional isn't it? Dr. Ellsemere is doing mine. I am having the gastric sleeve. That is what you are having isn't it? Good luck girl, hope to see you next week!!!
on 5/28/08 4:45 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AAweeee, I will be on my way to recovery when you are getting out.. I will cheer you on!!!! I have Dr. Klassen, but, Dr. Ellsemere will be assisting. I was doing fine with the liquid diet, TILLLLLLLL they called monday and I fell off for that day. It's been three weeks for me, because I thought I'd be smart and start a week early. Not so good of a plan..) Hugs, Will be looking for you Donna
on 6/3/08 6:47 am - Kentville, Canada
I hope your surgery went fine.. Best of luck in your recovery
Wanda S.
on 6/3/08 11:28 am - Canada
cant wait to hear all about it...hope your well!
Wanda S.
on 6/5/08 7:36 am - Canada
donna should be getting out today i think!!! I hope she's doing well!
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