Surgical Consult last Thursday and Concern

on 8/6/07 10:05 am - Halifax, Canada
I was referred to Dr. James Ellsmere at the QEII for gastric bypass surgery. We met last Thursday and he said I will be contacted within a month to meet with the support group. With a BMI of 38 and 7 chronic health issues that will be vastly improved by this surgery he says I'm the poster child for it. I was just planning to say hello tonight, but reading through some of the other posts has me concerned. No one has mentioned to me that gastric bypass isn't covered by MSI. This is the first I'm hearing of it. My GP knows I couldn't afford to pay for this surgery so I can't imagine him sending me to see the surgeon without mentioning something that important. So I'm not really sure what's going on now. Appreciate any advice you can offer. Thanks Shirley
on 8/6/07 12:00 pm - wanganui, New Zealand
As you know, I cant offer you any information about surgery in NS. But I am just so pleased to hear about you having the surgery in NS. How exciting, I would love to know how it goes and how long it takes to get seen and for the surgery itself. Fantastic! I hope someone else can assist you further, is it worth ringing your Dr and asking that question directly? Good luck!!!!
on 8/6/07 12:12 pm - Halifax, Canada
Not sure this is the correct forum for me. I really don't consider this "weight loss surgery" so much as life saving surgery. I need this surgery for my health. Is there another forum I should be using? Shirley
on 8/6/07 12:28 pm - wanganui, New Zealand
I think this is the right forum, though there arent many respondants and the may be another site that you would find more suitable, I cant answer that. But I think we all can understand how you feel, this isnt simply a weight loss issue, it is a health issue for all of us, even though some will have chronic issues and some will be seeing changes that come before those chronic issues. Stick around and read around, I know you will get lots from being here.
on 8/6/07 12:49 pm - Halifax, Canada
Thanks Rachel, I know I'm more than a bit touchy on this subject. Initially when I told people I had made this decision I received little support and a lot of negativity. People all seemed to think it was about losing weight. Which for me it clearly isn't. My BMI is 38 but with 7 chronic health conditions I have much greater concerns than my weight. The reason I'm having this surgery is b/c my weight is contributing to those health conditions. I just can't believe ppl talk about this surgery like it's just a weight loss issue. It is far more than that. I think people really need to do some considerable research into the surgery and possible complications before taking this on. Anyone thinking this surgery is "the easy way out" is sadly mistaken, and are very likely to get themself into a whole mess of trouble if they go into it with that thought in mind. This surgery will dramatically change my life forever and I know that. But I know in my particular case that the benefits far outweigh the risks so I'm willing to take them. People are getting more supportive as I explain to them why I am having this done. I just think we need to be really careful. This isn't a fad diet that we're talking about. It's making changes that will impact the rest of your life. Shirley
on 8/7/07 1:28 am - Wedgeport, NS, Canada
Hi again.. I just wanted to address some of your comments. I think you will find that NO ONE on here is just having surgery for purely cosmetic reasons, we ALL have serious health issues, and have spent much time considering this route. I definately do not take this lightly. It was a big decision but a necessary one for me. I have been in and out of hospital for weeks at a time due to my health. Lastly if you do not have co-morbidities you will not get approved by MSI for the surgery anyway! We all know that it is not the easy way out...there is never an easy way out!! Best wishes! Krista Cook
on 8/6/07 1:32 pm - Halifax, Canada
Rachel, You will need a referral from a GP to see Dr. Ellsmere. So your first mission upon arrival will be to find a GP who is accepting new patients. I think Dr. Heinin (male) and Dr. Dawood (female) are both both accepting new patients in my doctor's office. My doctor is not. I've been seen by Dr. Heinin when my doc was on vacation and find him very competent, likable and thorough. I've never seen Dr. Dawood though her patients all seem to love her. She does run very late for her appointments though, but her patients say she's worth the wait b/c of the time she takes with you. The office can be reached at 902-445-9400 if you're interested. When are you moving here? Shirley
on 8/6/07 11:49 pm - Wedgeport, NS, Canada
I anm just wondering some info on Dr Ellesmere. I have been waiting to see Dr Bonjer in Halifax after my original consult with Dr MacDonald, and the program was shut down so I was reffered to Dr Beausoleil in NB. I have been waitinf since 2002 I have a BMI of 52 and VERy serious haelth conditions as a result. I was nebver told about this other Dr. ?? Do you have a contact number. When will you be having your surgery? Any info you can give me is great. Thank you Krista
on 8/8/07 2:20 am - Halifax, Canada
Hi Krista - not sure what happened to my reply to you but I did write one 2 days ago. Dr. Ellsmere is in the Dixon Building at the QEII. His office phone number is 473-1886. I don't know when my surgical date will be as I am just beginning the process and still have to see the nutritionist, counsellor and Internist before I can be approved. Shirley
on 8/14/07 10:22 am - Glace Bay, Canada
Hi Shirley, I am from NS as well and I thought MSI don't approve this type of surgery if requested in the same province. That doesn't make any sense I know. I was referred by my Dr. to Dr. Beausoleil in NB and MSI approved it. If they do approve you for NS I would be interested in knowing this myself for this is closer for me that NB and maybe the list is smaller and I could get in faster. I wish you all the best in your future and hopefully this is the answer to your health issues. Can't get any worst I tell them.....LOL Take care, Debb in NS
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