Hi ... I'm sure there are others out there who are waiting foe WLS??
I have been having chats with a few people from New Brunswick who have had WLS or are waiting to have it done ... I was wondering if there is anyone else out there that have met with or is waiting to meet with Dr Beausoleil ? I understand they have "suspended" the program in Halifax .... terrible shame , does not say much for our health care system !!
Hi Sherry,
I had my first ,meeting with Dr Beausoliel Aug 23. (I had been waiting 15 months) I just got a call yesterday and I am going for the information session on Tuesday Oct 24.I am very excited!!! I am intersted in mainly the lapband surgery...I hope to have it before Christmas.....Br Beausoliel is awesome, My first visit with him was a bit rushed as he had an emerency surgery but he still answered all my questions and concerns....have you began the process yet??Any info I can help you with, let me know.
Hi Tammy , I first went to my family Dr , I asked her to refer me to the Dr in Halifax and Moncton , she also wrote a letter on my behalf to a Dr Bugden at MSI to get pre approval for Gastric Bypass . It was approved and was forwarded to Dr B's office and I was called with an appointment about 9 months later. I have seen him for the initial consult but the process is underway , hopefully I will have Gastric Bypass by next September. Here is Dr B's info Telephone (secretary): (506) 858-8199 emailaddress: [email protected] I wrote him a little over a tear ago and he advised me to get approval from MSI first that it would be quicker to get in to see him if that was done. I hear the list is growing so the sooner you get the ball rolling the faster it will happen .
Hi Sherry: I had Lapband surgery in May which was performed by Dr. Cobourn in Mississauga and have been satisfied with results so far. I just couldn't see myself waiting a couple of years at least to have this done. It has been rather slow at times but it is not meant to be a fast solution! There is now a critical care nurse in New Glasgow who is going to do "fills" for those of us here in N.S. She did my third fill last week. Yes it is rather sad that WLS has been suspended here; however, I don't believe the surgery was Lapband -- believe it was only Bypass.....we need to have more support for this surgery here. MSI will not cover same either. Let me know if you have questions! Barb
Hi Barb:
My name is Christine and I am considering going to Mexico for my LapBand surgery. Have you heard of any horror stories you would like to share with me? I was thinking about Ontario but they haven't responded to me yet as to a date. I have spoken with some folks in Mexico and I can have it done near the end of Nov. Will the nurse in New Glasgow still do the fill ups if I go outside of Canada? Christine
Hi Christene: No, I haven't heard any horror stories personally at all. Have you tried Dr. Cobourn's office in Mississauga?? That is where I went and I always found them quick to respond both by email and phone. I don't know the protocol regarding fills if you were to go to someone in the U.S.; however, you can ask her using the following: "[email protected]". Good luck Christene. Barb
Hi to all my fellow bluenosers;
It has been a while since I have responded to the site. It is truly a great thing to see so many other people on this forme
Hi Barb how are you doing? Hope all is well.
This is for Christine. I to was looking at going to Mexico. They do have good Dr's but there is one fact to keep in mind. What happen to you if there are complications. If you had you surgery in Canada the can just call the Dr's ooofice and talk to him/her. It may be impossible to contact the surgeron in Mexico. The choice is all yours. I have heard the if you have to return to Mexico for what ever reason it is out of your pocket. That could add up. The best advice talk to others and e-mail different Dr's. I to had Dr Corbour and he was wonderful. His support staff are all accessable quickly.
Jusy some thought. Good luck
Ps I had my surgery in May 12, 2006. It was the best gift I could give to myself. The waiting is the hardest. If you have to wait for Dr. B in NB the waiting must be insane.
I was able to get the financing and that gave the freedom to choose when and where I wanted to go. I got the monery in end of FEB had it booke in the first week if March and was banded in May. No regrets.