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Well, obviously Wasa and I have a great deal in common since it is COMMON knowledge we are one in the same. My ID on LBT is Wasa and my ID here is MWG. Any idiot knows that. Considering my profile is absolutely identical to Wasa... it's not hard to figure out. Surely even YOU could figure out the same??
It is also common knowledge that Pompa's sleeves are big enough to feed a heifer. I suppose you did not know that either?
I am having a product giveaway on my website. Is it a shameless ploy to get visitors?
HECK YEAH! But who cares! It's a chance for FREEBIES!
Three lucky winners are surely going to hit it big!! I am talking, wonderful protein jackpot!
Before I hit the rules, here is what three lucky winners will receive:
A case of Labrada On The Go Ready to Drinks, AND a case of Rock'N Roll bars! OH MY GARSH! I am so jealous! All products will be sent directly to the winners from the Labrada company.
"Did she say a CASE of BOTH?" Yes, she did!
Here is all you have to do:
from Sunday, April 5th at 12:01 am UNTIL Sunday, April 12th, 12:01 pm, every person who makes a comment on my website to any post, or sends me an email will be entered for the drawing. You don't have to go into elaborate details of your surgery or life if you wish not to... (for you shy folks) but on Monday, April 13th, I will hold the drawing for 3 lucky winners. Yes, 3 LUCKY WINNERS!
Good luck. Gosh I love giveaways.
There is a great group that I have been attending since surgery. The next meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday 4/1. Here's the info. There are people with all sorts of surgery types and really a great group of people.
Reminder from: | ABQNBB Yahoo! Group | |
Title: | *ABQ NBB Support Meeting (first and third wed)* | |
Date: | Wednesday April 1, 2009 | |
Time: | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm | |
Repeats: | This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday. | |
Next reminder: | The next reminder for this event will be sent in 1 day, 4 minutes. | |
Location: | Northside Presbyterian Medical Building | |
Street: | 5901 Harper Drive North East | |
City State Zip: | Albuquerque NM 87109 | |
Phone: | 505-710-5411 | |
Notes: | We welcome everyone to meet to discuss the new and changing issues we face with WLS. Meetings are held at Northside Presbyterian Medical Building. When you enter the building, go past the urgent care to the elevators. Take the elevator down to the ground floor. Upon exiting the elevator turn left and follow signs to the cafeteria. Try to arrive early, the Urgent Care Closes at 7:00 P.M. and the doors get locked. *** *** | |
I know all to well about traveling to get cut. I am on Sunday boarding the train in Lamy to Los Angeles for my surgery on Wednesday (4/8/09) of next week. The train seemed to be the least painful way to get there and back, considering I will be needing to get up and walk every so often. I found that the band and RNY were out of the question for me because of my size, but I could do the RNY though it would not be as effective as getting the DS. I cant wait.

Yeah I've talked with a few people in that area who have traveled to El Paso for their WLS. I'll have to see a Dr regularly for fills, since I'm getting the lap band. I think I'll be getting banded before we PCS.
Looks like your WLS has done ya well :-)