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Unfortunately, there current is no surgeon in all of NM for us. I personally travelled to El Paso and see Dr. Clapp at Southwest Surgeons. I love him. He's a great dr & I would reccomend him to anyone.
Good luck on your journey!!
I only met Dr Lara for about 2 minutes but I he is not my issue and that is why I have stayed there. Also, I did alot of research and I am really impressed with him. My real issue is dealing with the office although I will not have to depend on them for my surgery.


Honey, I am the best ***** you will ever meet. Far better ***** than you are a paid poster.
Let's not forget that.
You are just a mean nasty person who needs a shrink. I am NOT a paid poster as I am a REAL person. Either you are a promoter for a certain surgeon, or you simply have no life whatsoever since all you do is POSTPOSTPOST on these message boards. The odds are 50% 50% as far as I can tell. All I am trying to do is find out REAL info on doctors in MX. You need to find a good psychiatrist. AND NOW I CHOOSE TO IGNORE ANYMORE OF YOUR NASTINESS!! all I gotta do i**** delete!!
Honey, I am the best ***** you will ever meet. Far better ***** than you are a paid poster.
Let's not forget that.
BTW.. It is "you're" and not your.
Well, obviously Wasa and I have a great deal in common since it is COMMON knowledge we are one in the same. My ID on LBT is Wasa and my ID here is MWG. Any idiot knows that. Considering my profile is absolutely identical to Wasa... it's not hard to figure out. Surely even YOU could figure out the same??
It is also common knowledge that Pompa's sleeves are big enough to feed a heifer. I suppose you did not know that either?