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on 5/28/09 3:59 am - Las Cruces, NM
Topic: RE: Bummed--------
A friend of ours who is diabetic has discovered he is allergic to aspertame.  His doctor told him his headaches, high blood pressure, heart arrhytmias were all exacerbated by his excessive use of aspertame.

But if you think about it, there is harm in everything we eat:  steroids in meat, pesticides in fruits and veggies.  There has to be something we can eat.


Starting Weight:  282 lbs.
Day of surgery:  224 lbs
Current weight: 116.0 lbs
Goal weight:  135 lbs.


on 5/27/09 1:48 am
Topic: RE: I did it!
Congrats!  I also had to do a pre-op diet (6 months).  I went ahead and joined WW.  The time went by so fast.  Just follow what Dr. Lara says.  If he says lose 10 lbs, you better lose 10 lbs or more!  He's strict, but I think that's a good thing.  If you have any questions about the surgery, feel free to ask.  I had my surgery on 3/18 and have had zero complications! 

on 5/27/09 1:46 am
Topic: RE: Bummed--------
I think every artificial sweetner has it's share of problems.  I tried stevia, but it has a gross aftertaste.  I use Splenda for just about everything.  I figure it's got to be better than sugar!
on 5/26/09 10:45 pm - NM
Topic: Bummed--------
I was visting my niece this weekend and I kept offering her sugar free stuff and she kept telling me that she does not do aspartame and I gave her a look like (hello, maybe you should) (forgive me Lord) but she is so young and really chunky and I thought to myself well "it would save you lot's of calories).  I came back and for two days I have been reading about Equal and Splenda and it is really really scary how bad they are for you.  I have gone and bought Stevia and saccharin to see which one tastes better with my coffee...........   I have so many of the aspartame poisonings symptoms that it really scares me...........   Anyone else think about this?
 gonna rain today and I'm glad!    Thank you Jesus.


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on 5/26/09 12:34 pm - Albuquerque, NM
Topic: RE: This is the slowest board EVER!!!
We had a great time in Taos, except that it rained most of the time.  There was a HUGE motorcycle run going on and the people were really nice.  I'm sure most of them were Dentist's and CPA's probably who just love to ride their bikes.  What a thrill it was to be able to walk up and down all the streets and not be tired or sore at all!  Praise God!!  I even forgot to take my walking shoes and was wearing short heels, what a dork!  Didn't do much buying, just looking.  Went to the gorge, how fabulous Nature is.  It was breathtaking!!!  But, back to reality today with work and trying to get back on track eating wise.  Didn't do too bad this weekend, but not enough protein.  Dan is back on track with WW again this week too.  Had fish for dinner and he cooked.  I desperately need some black slacks and am having a hard time finding a decent pair that's not too expensive.  When do Marshall's and TJ Maxx get in new stuff?  I may go to Macy's or Dillard's.  Any suggestions out there? 

Re: the WLS meetings.  I think those are held at Northside Pres. on Harper the first Wed of the month.  I'll look up the info and try to post it here later. 

Well, hopefully, the NM forum will perk up some.  Would be nice to meet more of you folks out there in WLS land. 

Kat, when I see you next, please wear a name tag, as I won't recognize you it's been too long.  (trying to make you feel it working???)   Kelly
on 5/26/09 12:23 pm - ALBUQUERQUE, NM
Topic: RE: This is the slowest board EVER!!!
YAAAAYYYYY!!!!  More New Mexicans on board. Welcome back ladies I'm so glad to have all the company gone. These people and all the activites wore me out. Sorry i didnt start a new topic on Monday. Went marathon shopping with my mom.....then school and work since then. I got in that damn swimsuit  today and jumped in the pool with the kids. They were all riding on my back. I looked like a big bus with passengers cruising through the water.  BEEP BEEP!!

Hey did any of you eat like crazy before you had the surgery? It's like I'm saying goodbye to all my favorites one at a time.

Have my first appointment with Dr Lara on Thursday.whoo hoo!!!
Debbie R.
on 5/26/09 11:19 am - Las Cruces, NM
Topic: RE: This is the slowest board EVER!!!
There are no doctors in NM that do wls so there probably isn't many people that come to this board.
Some of us still check in every once in a while. I rarely post but i read them all.

on 5/26/09 9:17 am - Las Cruces, NM
Topic: RE: I did it!
Congratulations on taking your first step!  My insurance company (Aetna) covered the surgery, but in addition to proving medical need, I had to be on a medically supervised diet for 3 months.  At first I looked at it as a pain in the neck, but it turned out to be my saving grace.  Working with the nutritionist for 3 months really put me in the right mindset, I lost 58 pounds before surgery, and have not waivered from the diet since.

Good luck with getting approval.


Starting Weight:  282 lbs.
Day of surgery:  224 lbs
Current weight: 116.0 lbs
Goal weight:  135 lbs.


on 5/26/09 8:21 am - tijeras, NM
Topic: I did it!
After much procrastination I finally went to Dr. Lara's seminar in ABQ. I have my initial consultation in two weeks in El Paso.

I found out that my insurance company does cover Gastric Bypass. I also found out I have a BMI of between 41 and 42 and have several other medical issues. (hypertension, lower back problems, sleep apnea)

I am hoping at this point that insurance approval is a formality.

Wish me luck!
on 5/26/09 4:49 am
Topic: RE: Clothes - Size 22/24

I just sent you an email.

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