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Awww bummer. It would be really nice to meet you. I think the next one is in two weeks. Hopefully you can make it. Have fun where ever you are. Take care....
Gina, wish I was in town so I could go.... please post when the next meeting is approaching and I'll try to make it! Good luck on your first get together, have fun!!!
Hey all, I was wondering if anyone is going to the meeting tomorrow night? It will be my first time.....hope some of you can make it....let me know if your going?
Topic: RE: Bummed--------
I have terrible leg pains everynight and also my vision is very blurry mostly in the mornings. I am off of equal, and splenda for now and I am trying stevia (although I don't like the taste).

Topic: RE: Clothes - Size 22/24
I tried getting a hold of Terri as well, with no luck so I made a trip to Goodwill in a small community. Figured the small places could use the donation.
Topic: RE: Clothes - Size 22/24
So, I tried to get a hold of Terri. No luck. Anyway, I have some 22-24's and 3Xs left if anyone is interested (mostly summer stuff). If not, they will go to Goodwill. PM me if you're interested.
Topic: RE: Hello out there
Hey girlie! Saturday I did the birthday party for the little girl next door (remember Kaila... she turned 3). The party was scheduled for 5:00 but, thank goodness, they changed it to 3:30 because at 5:15 it was raining on our side of town. I did the TJ Max thing Saturday morning but didn't find a thing I couldn't live without (shucks!). I'm in search of some capris that are more like yogo pants. I would like to find a pair that are made of a nice, soft fabric but I'm not having any luck.... sure, I've found plenty of the jersey type ones but that's not what I'm in search of.
Whoo-hooo, Nee-Nee, Caitlin and I fly out EARLY Sunday morning for fun in San Antonio! Our room is on the riverwalk so if we have a few too many while doing the touristy thing we won't have far to walk home.
Sure hope this finds all doing great and let's all try to get atleast a faint beat back into this board!
Whoo-hooo, Nee-Nee, Caitlin and I fly out EARLY Sunday morning for fun in San Antonio! Our room is on the riverwalk so if we have a few too many while doing the touristy thing we won't have far to walk home.
Sure hope this finds all doing great and let's all try to get atleast a faint beat back into this board!
Topic: RE: Hello out there
There's an air show in Las Cruces this weekend. Sounds like fun. Unfortunately, I'm not in New Mexico this weekend, I'm in NJ. My husband will go and tell me all about it.
Topic: Hello out there
Hey New Mexican's, what's happening tonight? I'm loving the weather, as it's windy and warm. Doesn't it seem like 4 day weeks last longer than regular work weeks? Today just dragged on. I'm still on a search for good classic, black slacks - any suggestions other than my normal stomps at Marshall's, Ross or TJ Maxx? I'm a big time thrift hound and hate the thought of paying more than $20/pair. Maybe the word is cheap??
So, what is everyone doing this weekend? Anything special going on I haven't heard about? Not much going on that I know of.
Well folks, have a great evening and keep this board moving. Kelly
So, what is everyone doing this weekend? Anything special going on I haven't heard about? Not much going on that I know of.
Well folks, have a great evening and keep this board moving. Kelly
Topic: RE: Bummed--------
Splenda is Succralose (sp?). I use about a cup a day in decaf sweet tea and my protein shakes.
What are your aspartame poisoning symptoms? I stopped using Aspartame too as I was having terrible joint pain in my hips and legs.