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Topic: Info on Support Meeting in Abq - Tonight!
Albuquerque Gastric by pass Support Group Flyer Update
June 11th Meeting Thursday
Where: Marriott Pyramid I - 25
When: June 11 th, 2009
Time: 6 P M
Facilitator: Beckey Turhune,MSN,Las Palmas Bariatric Clinic Coordinator 915-521-2151
JJ Williamson 505-250-7498 Secretary/Photo Taker
( For our Group Album)
Welcome and Introduction
Review organization and schedule
Please write down your questions and answers so Beckey can solve the issue or bring it back to the El Paso Staff and get it back to us.!
Please bring your Name ,Address, Phone contact, and E- mail Address on 3 x 5 card or piece of paper 3 x 5 ( We need to be able to contact you with updates) Optional to individual!
Testimonials and Sharing Journeys
Smoothie King (Ginger) 8000 Paseo Del Norte 805-822-6332(will bring sample of products.)
Bring a piece of your favorite garment that is history! (For a collage page or to put on your individual Album Page???
Discuss use of a Binder with individual pages for each member. ?
Would you like to personalize your own page, like a scrapbook??
Come early or stay a little later for picture? Bring one of your own(Before and after)? Please contact JJ Williamson (505-250-7498 for information!
July 23 Rd Meeting Preview
On Agenda For July!
Dr. Brenda Wolf Relationships
Maria Lozano (790-8650) owner of Perfect Lines Shapers And
Accessories(support undergarments) She is also
looking for a distributor in Albuquerque!!!!
June 11th Meeting Thursday
Where: Marriott Pyramid I - 25
When: June 11 th, 2009
Time: 6 P M
Facilitator: Beckey Turhune,MSN,Las Palmas Bariatric Clinic Coordinator 915-521-2151
JJ Williamson 505-250-7498 Secretary/Photo Taker
( For our Group Album)
Welcome and Introduction
Review organization and schedule
Please write down your questions and answers so Beckey can solve the issue or bring it back to the El Paso Staff and get it back to us.!
Please bring your Name ,Address, Phone contact, and E- mail Address on 3 x 5 card or piece of paper 3 x 5 ( We need to be able to contact you with updates) Optional to individual!
Testimonials and Sharing Journeys
Smoothie King (Ginger) 8000 Paseo Del Norte 805-822-6332(will bring sample of products.)
Bring a piece of your favorite garment that is history! (For a collage page or to put on your individual Album Page???
Discuss use of a Binder with individual pages for each member. ?
Would you like to personalize your own page, like a scrapbook??
Come early or stay a little later for picture? Bring one of your own(Before and after)? Please contact JJ Williamson (505-250-7498 for information!
July 23 Rd Meeting Preview
On Agenda For July!
Dr. Brenda Wolf Relationships
Maria Lozano (790-8650) owner of Perfect Lines Shapers And
Accessories(support undergarments) She is also
looking for a distributor in Albuquerque!!!!
Topic: RE: Not the best way to lose 10 pounds in 3 days
Wow! That must have been a pretty scary incident. I hope you are feeling better now that the obstruction has been cleared.
Topic: RE: Not the best way to lose 10 pounds in 3 days
I am so sorry you had to go through this. It almost sounds like food poisoning. How awful. I hope you are feeling better. :o)
Topic: Not the best way to lose 10 pounds in 3 days

I had an eye opening experience this week. I was reminded the hard way that after having this surgery, we will always be different. ER Physicians, friends, coworkers, employers, relatives, even some other post ops, might not realize this but it is true. Certain things will always affect us differently and there are certain foods that might agree with us one minute and make us horribly ill the next.
I hate to vomit, as a child I would say, "ooh how gross" or as I got older, "this is disgusting", when I would find myself being sick. I have found that since my surgery, if I eat something that my pouch doesn't like, I will most prob. vomit. I have a small but ever present (cue the jaws music) fear of this happening so I eat very clean when I am at work, out with friends, and at any celebration or event. I guess this is kind of a good thing. I also had a penchant for projectile vomiting before the surgery and lets just say, it hasn't lessened any post operatively.
Usually however, once I vomit, I feel much better. Kinda disgusting but true.
Not so this week however.
I had purchased a grill for my husband for our 5th anniversary present. He decided to treat me to some grilled fish. He over cooked it. In his defense, he hasn't grilled in forever and really tried to cook it nicely, he just suffers from the cook any animal protein to death syndrome.
In my desperate attempt to make my husband feel appreciated for trying to cook me a nice dinner on his new toy, I ate the fish even though it was almost rubbery in places.
I felt sick, then I felt I was going to vomit. I did and thought I felt better and it was all over with. I went to bed only to wake up chocking on my own saliva. I had to run to the sink to vomit more. The next morning, I couldn't even keep water down. I called into work and stayed home vomiting all day while Lilith was at school and Will was at work. By the time they got home, I must have looked pretty bad because Will insisted that we go to the ER. We went. We sat in the lobby for 2 hours before being taken into the back. I vomited into the public bathroom trash a few times during that 2 hours of waiting. I am sure this looked very charming to the other patients.
read more at; ose-10-pounds-in-3.html

I had an eye opening experience this week. I was reminded the hard way that after having this surgery, we will always be different. ER Physicians, friends, coworkers, employers, relatives, even some other post ops, might not realize this but it is true. Certain things will always affect us differently and there are certain foods that might agree with us one minute and make us horribly ill the next.
I hate to vomit, as a child I would say, "ooh how gross" or as I got older, "this is disgusting", when I would find myself being sick. I have found that since my surgery, if I eat something that my pouch doesn't like, I will most prob. vomit. I have a small but ever present (cue the jaws music) fear of this happening so I eat very clean when I am at work, out with friends, and at any celebration or event. I guess this is kind of a good thing. I also had a penchant for projectile vomiting before the surgery and lets just say, it hasn't lessened any post operatively.
Usually however, once I vomit, I feel much better. Kinda disgusting but true.
Not so this week however.
I had purchased a grill for my husband for our 5th anniversary present. He decided to treat me to some grilled fish. He over cooked it. In his defense, he hasn't grilled in forever and really tried to cook it nicely, he just suffers from the cook any animal protein to death syndrome.
In my desperate attempt to make my husband feel appreciated for trying to cook me a nice dinner on his new toy, I ate the fish even though it was almost rubbery in places.
I felt sick, then I felt I was going to vomit. I did and thought I felt better and it was all over with. I went to bed only to wake up chocking on my own saliva. I had to run to the sink to vomit more. The next morning, I couldn't even keep water down. I called into work and stayed home vomiting all day while Lilith was at school and Will was at work. By the time they got home, I must have looked pretty bad because Will insisted that we go to the ER. We went. We sat in the lobby for 2 hours before being taken into the back. I vomited into the public bathroom trash a few times during that 2 hours of waiting. I am sure this looked very charming to the other patients.
read more at; ose-10-pounds-in-3.html
Topic: BariatricTV Episode 32 - The Weight Loss Saboteur
In this weeks episode we have a FOW with a cute coat, expose the Weight Loss Saboteur, take a look at the week before surgery and introduce you to a self professed Lap Band King!
- This weeks “Freak of the Week" is Sirenscry
- Why? Cause she can reach all her 2000 parts.
- We introduce you to our version of the Weight Loss Saboteur.
- The pusher…who pushes the sweets and fattening foods.
- The Underminer…whose negativity is always about.
- The Stuffer, who wants to continue to stuff you with food..
- Sometimes those closest to us becomes our saboteur.
- We give some tips on how to deal with the Weight loss Saboteur.
- So you are down to your last week before surgery? What will it be like?
- You may want to give up caffeine a few weeks in advance.
- Avoid the last meal syndrome.
- Having a stressful week before normal.
- We highlight another website for bandsters…

It was great to see some of you last night. Here's the info on Las Palmas/Del Sol Support group:
Thrusdays: 6:00 p.m. - Marriott Pyramid (I-25 & Jefferson)
June 11
July 23
August 20
September 17
November 12
Also, The New Beginnings Support group meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 at Northside Presbyterian.
Like I said before, both groups are really great!
Thrusdays: 6:00 p.m. - Marriott Pyramid (I-25 & Jefferson)
June 11
July 23
August 20
September 17
November 12
Also, The New Beginnings Support group meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 at Northside Presbyterian.
Like I said before, both groups are really great!
Topic: RE: Looking For a Surgeon in ABQ
I dont know if your still looking for a surgeon or not but I went to USC in California. The surgeon was Peter Crookes and is AWESOME.
I dont know if your still looking for a surgeon or not but I went to USC in California. The surgeon was Peter Crookes and is AWESOME.
I hate to ask, but please remind me about two days in advance and hopefully, I'll see it here in time. I really need to go for support. Have been sliding back into some bad habits and need to "nip it in the bud"!! I would love to meet some of you NM folks too. Kelly
I am going to try my best to get there if the family don't melt down, seems like they just cant seem to behave if I'm not up their butts 24/7. I need to go, I need the support!! Hope to see you there Gina, would be nice to finally meet you.
lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.
Anti Lap-band advocate!
I will be there tonight. Looking forward to meeting you. Also, The Las Palmas support group meets on June 11 at 6:00 pm at the Mariott Pyramid near Paseo/Frwy. Both groups are great!