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Donald J.
on 12/27/09 8:45 am
Topic: RE: Hello NM I'm offically sleeved!!!!!
Awesome!!!!!  How did you go about getting Insurance  to cover anything but lapband ?  I'm with united healthcare(just started) and they "only " cover lapband. I 'm glad to hear of DR in Flag becouse I'm In Farmington and Fort collins is so far away(and over mountain passes)..Anyway great job sticking it out and going all the way. I will keep on bugging you with post op. questions like when are you going back to work and would you do it all again tommorow?THANKS FOR LISTENING  DONALD
on 12/26/09 5:28 am - Farmington, NM
Topic: RE: Hello NM I'm offically sleeved!!!!!

I had RNY gastric byass in '02, over the past several years have gained back a substantial amount of weight, and am now seeking revision surgery.  I am researching the gastric sleeve, and was wondering what the name of your doctor is, and if you know if they perform revisions.  I'm once again at the beginning of the journey *sigh* and any help you could give me would be appreciated.  Thanks!!!

on 12/19/09 1:08 pm - Albuquerque, NM
Topic: RE: Hello NM I'm offically sleeved!!!!!
Oh Janet, I am so happy for you!!!!  I was curious as to how things were going with you and here you are, SLEEVED!!!  Please drop me a line and let me know how things are going.  I love my sleeve!  I don't get on here very often but I'll pop in now to check on you.

Again, congrats and welcome to the bench!
p.s... You're right, the Doc in Flagstaff rock!

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Unknown Author
Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

on 12/15/09 11:49 pm
Janet L.
on 12/15/09 10:09 pm - Jemez Springs, NM
Topic: Hello NM I'm offically sleeved!!!!!
I just got back from Flagstaff last night. I got a VSG with Dr. Aldridge in Flagstaff. i can not be happier!!! It was a long road to get it done but I finally got the insurance approval 20 min before check in for surgery. That was so stressful, but that god it went through and here I am recovering. Since NM only offers the lap band you still have to go outta state for bypass and the sleeve. I would recommend Flagstaff I love the town and the office staff did a great job and of course the Dr rocked!!! lol yeah I'm just a little excited ... if you any question message me :)
on 12/14/09 5:12 am
Topic: RE: Hello.... New here!
Coda!  Long time!  How you doing?  Hope all is well.  Shoot me an email sometime - would love to hear from you.  120 lbs - AMAZING!!!!
on 12/14/09 5:11 am
Topic: RE: Hello.... New here!

We have a support group that meets here in Albuquerque at 6:30 pm the first and third Wednesdays of the month (one this week on the 16th) at Grace Church  on San Antonio/Louisiana!  The people in the group are extremely helpful and will try to answer any questions you have.  If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.


on 12/9/09 6:06 am - rio rancho, NM
Topic: RE: Hello.... New here!

Hello everyone!
 wow im so glad that i found this site! Right now i'm going through the last steps before my insurance will approve me for surgery. I started this whole process last june and i was only 2 appt from being done with all the pre qulifying appt....Then it all really started to sink in that im going to be having a life changing surgery and i got scared honestly......But then i realized that i have come to far in all of this to chicken out...I was a smoker of 6 years, but of course i had to stop in order to have the i figured if i can give up my worse addiction to have this done then i really could do this.... Sometimes i feel like im going through all this by myself and thats usually the hardest....  Does anyone have any good advice for me to make this process easier? 

on 12/9/09 5:37 am - Albuquerque, NM
Topic: hello!! new here!! thanks for checking me out
The Feature Film “Passion Play"- starring Mickey Rourke and Megan Fox is currently casting Featured EXTRAS for a Circus Sideshow scene. We are looking for a Female, Caucasian, weighing between 300-500lbs. who would be comfortable allowing us to apply a fake beard and who would also be comfortable in a 2 piece swimsuit in order to portray a Bearded Lady. We do not mean to be offensive to anyone about their weight and apologize for this stereotype, however we are hoping to find someone willing to play this featured character role. This is a PAID job. Rate is TBD. Work dates would be Thursday 12/18/09 AND Monday 12/21/09 in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area and you would need to be available to work 10-12 hours per day on BOTH days. If you or anyone you know fits this description and is interested in this position - Please submit a photo (face and full body shot) and phone number ASAP to: [email protected].  If you have additional questions, please call 505/366-9863
on 12/9/09 4:49 am - Rio Rancho, NM
Topic: RE: Dr Syn and surgery...
He wants you to stay 7 days after surgery, then he has a followup appointment with you that 7th day then he let's you go home. The hospital can give you ideas on where to stay that offer a medical rate. You cannot go wrong with Dr Syn. He's the best!
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