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Topic: Albuquerque plastic Surgeons
Do any of you remember the 3 Dr's names that was mentioned at the support group this past wendesday night? If so, who are they?
Topic: RE: Recently Post-Op and Looking for NM Support
Sorry it wasn't me I hope my twin looked good.
Topic: RE: Consult...
I heard that for some of the pre-op tests they have to draw blood, but not from a vein, but an artery?! This scares the poo out of me, and I'm not at all scared of needles, infact with a mother and sisters, and everyone on that side nurses, I'm kind of used to them. Say it isn't so!
Topic: RE: Consult...
Dr. Syn did my surgery too. I really like him and felt very comfortable with him. He is very thorough and takes time to answer your questions and his office staff is great too!
Topic: RE: Recently Post-Op and Looking for NM Support
Were you possibly at the Star Casino one night this last week? I was in Bernallilo for a conference, and went to the casino.....I saw YOU (or your twin........) I followed this lady for awhile to catch up and visit, but she disappeared.......
How are you doing? Still feeling good?
I am still waiting, but I know the appeal process will go through..just have to have patience..........( I'm workin on that...)
Topic: RE: Consult...
I think you will really love Dr. Syn. I had my consult with him, he was a hands on doctor. I had a pulmonary test, an EKG, talked with the nutritionist, and was examined by the Dr.
I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,,,,,,,,,,for the insurance company to grant approval...I was denied, and now I'm in the appeal process.
On his website, there is a place for other patients of his to chat or e-mail...I have talked with 2 others, and they loved him too, and are doing great!
Good Luck!!
Topic: RE: Consult...
Who am I? I'm Renee.
Who's my MD? David Syn, M.D.
(Sorry I missed you @ the meetin!)
Topic: RE: WLS Seminar in Albuquerque-updated
Well, the post ops shared pictures, oversized clothes, or both. It was fun. I believe the Next meeting Dr. Brenda Wolfe will be there. She is the one that did my Physc eval, she is awesome, also in the future we will be having another protein tasting....bring you favorite protein so everyone can taste it.
Topic: RE: Dr Brenda Wolfe Clinical Psychologist
Jan I go to defined fitness and used to think like you till I saw that all those perfect looking bodies arent so perfect in the locker room. Now I dont worry about it.