Recent Posts
Topic: RE: sabotage
There has been so much bad press lately about what can go wrong with our kind of surgery. A lot of family and friends have the attitude that "i'd rather have you fat than not at all!" It is so very disheartening! They aren't walking in your shoes. REally even if you don't admit it, being so fat is like a time bomb. There is little medical science can do, I know i was too fat for most xray tables, and I would have had a heart attack, I would have been a goner, because my weight exceeded the cath table requirements. Just tell them that you have tried other approaches, and you've given it lots of thought, but this is the best route for you! Write me if I can be of help! As of this am, I am from 480 to 316 and 18 months post op! Amy
Topic: Los Angeles Event Registration Will Begin Soon!
Greetings to one and all. We will begin registration for our October 29 - 31, 2004 event very soon.
The national convention will be held at Universal Studios @ the Hilton Universal City. The hotel will begin accepting reservations to our room block on Monday August 9th 2004.
To book a room under our room block please call 800-hilton ask for the Obesityhelp room block rate $124.00 per room up to 2 persons per room.
Cost for this 3 day event? $60 per person early registration. At the door? $120 per person. So register early. Special group rates are available for groups of (5) or more. Registration link will be posted on Monday August 9th.
In the mean time you may keep an eye out for the website updates at the following link for event information:
For more information about this or other events please contact me.
Bo McCoy
Events and Outreach Manager
866-957-4636 ext. 365
[email protected]
[Lost 345 lbs in 24 months]
Topic: RE: sabotage
Hey sweetie, your friends are just scared for you. When people are scared they let crap fly out of their mouths. If it is becoming a big problem right now, then the only thing that I can suggest is distant yourself away from them for right now and surround yourself with those that are being supportive (LIKE ME, you have to come over to my house soon).
Before surgery if you run into the people at church or school or on the street, just say hi and have friendly conversation, but dont talk about your surgery. Ken is scared about the surgery, because of what happened to me the first attempt to have it, but we just dont talk about it as much as "I" use too. It is killing me not being able to talk about it, but it is like "out of sight, out of mind" for my hubby.
Once the surgery is over and you are back home and losing then you will find that they will be ok again. Some may not be ok though and you may have to break all ties with them, because now your life is about losing, eating right and LIVING.
You know that I am only a couple of blocks away from you and you can come and see me any time or call me any time. Or just call me and I will come over to you.
Love ya
Topic: RE: I'm Approved
Hey Girl, I am sooooooo excited for you. I think this is "Right On"
Sorry I didnt call you back yesterday. When we finally left Lowes (2 1/2 hours later) I had to straighten up the house because the adoption consultant was coming over at 3:00.
So I will be calling you today, if I cant get hold of you I will call you tomorrow. It was really nice to hear your voice have the joyous tone to it. I know you have been down for a while because of the denial.
You will have your surgery this monday, Patty and I will have ours next Monday and we will be the biggest LOSERS in town.
I went to your profile and you didnt put your date on. I cant put me down as your angel if you dont go to "I got a date" and put in what your date is. You just go to "update profile" and then go to "I got a date" and then just put in your date.
I am so happy for you

Topic: RE: I'm Approved
Becky! You'll have to let me know how it goes, for SURE! I have a consult with Dr. Syn on 8-12. I'm praying it goes well, and that I'll have all the stuff together that I need, so I don't have to go back 23048039402934 times.

Topic: sabotage
Okay,,,,,,,,,,,can you all help me understand WHY my Friends have all decided NOW to try and talk me out of having surgery? When it was a possibility it was okay,,,,,,,now that it is a reality, everyone (except my family and supportive pre and post op friends) have decided that I have gone overboard and it is toooo drastic.
I can't get it thru their thick heads that this is not about Weight,,,it is about the many co-morbidities that I have and the fact that I want a good quality of life.........AND the possibility of a longer life.
Okay,,,I feel better................I know that you all understand.......but if you have any suggestions on how to handle this I will appreciate it.....
P.S. I have thought of the "noneya", "its my life", "please bug out"
and 'because I can'...........among other stronger language..........

Topic: OH CONVENTION - OCT.29-31
We are so excited - it is official - We are having this year National Convention at the Universal Hollywood Hilton Hotel,in California, which sits on top of the hills overlooking Hollywood, a perfect site for us shrinking " Movie Stars". We start on Friday night, October 29 with a Masquerade Ball. So dig out and dust off that Mae West and Superman Costume, we are going to be having a ball with our entire WLS friends old and new. Come and meet the entire staff.
Saturday, September 30 - is going to be full of choices. You will have all variety of different classes choice from to fit your needs. Here are some of the titles are:
§ Cooking on the Run
§ How to Think Like a Thin Person
§ Men's WLS only class
§ WLS Female only class
§ A Spouse or Support Person(s) class
§ Exercise and Fitness Class
§ Relaxation and Massage Techniques
§ Body Image Class
§ Ask the Nutritionist
§ A visit with the Bariatric Surgeon
§ Need Plastics?
§ Depression - There is a way out~
§ Oldie and Moldies class -Plus 1 year post op
Make sure to bring a friend so you can split up and attend more classes then share what you have learned with one another. The more the merrier! I will be telling a little about each class as we get closer.
I have a big surprise for everyone (if you are a volunteer - Please do not tell).... But you will love it...
Saturday night is reserved just for you! You will have time on your own to visit with friends, check out "City Walk" they have so much to see, do, visit, and of course to eat and drink. Preview it at:
Sunday we have a special speaker coming in and plenty more planned. More about Sunday latter...We will be done by 2:00 PM so you will have time to Trick or Treat with your families.
Just wanted you to know a little bit. More information to come soon! So check the boards everyday to see what is going on.
Mark your calendar now and start making plans. We have and we are so excited.
It's a Lifestyle!
Monica Ganz
Support Group Specialist
[email protected]
866 957-4635 x 385
Topic: RE: I'm Approved
Thank you, Thank you Very much!!! I'm excited and doin the happy dance with you!!!