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Topic: Staff Message: Message Board Glitches
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to inform you that Tech Support (IT) is aware of what is happening on the Message Boards and are working on it.
Thank you for your patience.
Theresa Cloutier
Member Services
Topic: Beckey R. Update II
This is an email from Patty C. who saw Beckey today
Hi Debbie,
I went to see Beckey today. She is doing all right. Her blood sugars are kind of high but then that is to be expected after the major trauma her body just went through. She was having hot flashes while we were there. Before I forget her room number is: South 793. Jessie from Church and I went all over the hospital trying to find it. We got our exercise for the day but now I know where it is. Now as for her getting out Thursday, I do agree that if Bill isn't there and she gets to come home we can bring her back with us. I know she wont get to come home until her blood sugars are down and under control. Patty
Topic: RE: Beckey R. Update
That's great, Debbie!
Please tell her I am so glad things turned out well and that she continues to have an uneventful and speedy recovery!
Have a safe trip!
God Bless
Donna E.

Topic: Beckey R. Update
Beckey did fine with surgery and recovered well. I am going to be calling her today to actually talk to her and will update then. Yesterday her family was with her, today Patti C will be with her and tomorrow my husband and I will see her. Hopefully she will come home with us on wednesday.

Topic: RE: Message from the BAF board
HI Sandra,
That was quite a long time ago with that incident.....For the most part, Roswell has some very nice people there. My hubby just got back from there after taking an exam he needed for his work.
He used to go to an ear doctor over there and I have been over several times myself to a dentist. It doesn't really matter where any of us are, people are going to be rude one way or another..How sad is that???
I was always taught to be kind to people no matter what they looked like, or what color, religion or whatever......too bad companies can't be that way....or better yet.....have better training for their employees.....And like you's not just one airline either.....
These folks just need to wake up and realize that everyone is different but still deserve the same courtesy and respect as the "average" person... Take care
Donna E.
Topic: RE: Message from the BAF board
I am from Roswell, I am so sorry that you were treated badly. There is no excuse for bad manners or is it ignorance? All I can hope is what goes around truly does come around. Poo poo on Delta Airlines as well, I have heard this happen on Southwest Airlines as well.
Topic: Here I go.............
Well,,,,I'm just about to turn in for the night, cuz I know I won't be getting any sleep.
I check into Covenant Hospital in Lubbock at 9AM, and I'm not exactly sure of the surgery time.
I appreciate all your support, encouragement and prayers, and I will soon as I can.
Debbie B, and Patty C will have the details........they are my wonderful Angels
Thank you Everyone!!! I'll see you when I'm a Loser!!

Topic: RE: Message from the BAF board
OMG! That just makes me sick that people can get away with that.
I have never flown before but I kinda know how the poor lady felt.
My hubby, mother-in-law and daughter went to a Denny's restraunt in Roswell quite a few yrs back and specificly asked for a table, not a booth, but a table......They were not very busy and had plenty but the waitress purposely took us to a booth.
My hubby told her politley "We asked for a table" , she looked at me and then said "Ok...." Then she proceded to take everyone's order BUT mother-in-law spoke up and said "Aren't you going to take her order?" The waitress looked at her and said, "Oh, I didn't think she wanted anything".......then she turned around and asked me what I wanted (without even looking at me) .........I was so embarrassed I didn't order anything but a small salad and felt like all eyes were upon me as I ate it....I hate to admit it but I let what that woman did to me keep me from ever wanting to go out again.......I would like to try flying because my younger sister lives in England, but I sure won't do it until I am blessed to have this surgery and lose the weight and never be publicly humiliated again.
I feel for that poor couple and I hope they get their say!!!!!!!!! People can be and are so rude to large people and those airline people handled that situation so poorly (except for the poor attendant they pushed it off on) Folks that have never dealt with our problems should have to walk a mile in our shoes and see how it feels..
Anyways, thanks for posting this......just shows how ignorant people are to "Us".......
Donna E.

Topic: RE: Beckey Beckey Beckey
I'll be praying for you Beckey! Good luck and we'll see you on the losing side!!!
Topic: RE: Message from the BAF board
I am appalled!! Delta is on my 'do not use' list.
Maybe a well written letter to customer service of Delta is in order, along with a copy to the better business bureau.