Recent Posts
Topic: Please Help!
Mandeep Kaur is going in for her surgery first thing in the morning and she could use all of your support! Please be kind, and leave a message of encouragement for her on her support page:
Thanks a bunch! Yvonne

Topic: Debbie B and Patty C
Both Debbie B and Patty C of Clovis are going to have their surgeries in Lubbock tomorrow 8-16-04
Please keep them both in prayer, and their surgeon and hospital staff.
Topic: RE: I'm Home!!
Hey ya Beckey,
Just wanted to say I hope you are getting enough rest. I am not sure if I will be seeing you at church tomorrow so if I dont then I will see you on the other side after my surgery on Monday.
Love ya
Topic: RE: I'm Home!!
Hiya Beckey
I'm so glad to see that you got to come home and things weren't too complicated. Please tell Patty and Debbie they will be in my thoughts and prayers also for their surgeries.
Now, just get some
and remember what the Doc said
and take care of yourself.
God Bless
Donna E.

Topic: OH National Convention in LA, CA Oct. 29-31
OH is getting so excited with the National Convention coming up in October 29 to 31, 2004 at the Universal City, Hilton. We have been planning and working with volunteers to make this the most exciting and informative collection of classes, speakers, and vendors. Now all that is missing is YOU! Mark your calendars and check out the information and registration at:
Come and visit the STAR capital of America. Here YOU will be the STAR!
We hope that you plan on attending - we would love to meet you and spend some time with you. You owe it to yourself to come and be with 500 friends just like you from the OH family! We've been there and understand. Together we can do this! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions:
[email protected]
New Programs being announced at the convention:
We will be proudly presenting our newly appointed Chapter Leaders (Don't know what a Chapter Leader someone who is leading a support group in their area through OH. If you are interested in this role: e-mail me and I'll send you an application or call me for more information.)
Our new National Losers Program will be announced
So mark you calendar - make your reservation - And let's party Hollywood style!
I look forward to see all of you there with smiling faces - you never know when one of those Hollywood photographers will be taking your picture!
It's a lifestyle!
Monica Ganz, Ph.D.
Support Group Specialist
[email protected]
886 957-4636 x 385
Topic: I'm Home!!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm home,,,,,,and that I truly appreciate everyone's kind words, encouragement, thoughts and prayers.
I am getting better every hour.........
Surgery was Monday,,,had a few minor complications, but I'm home, and doing well. The Dr. made sure with lots of tests that I was okay before sending me home.
Now the work begins..
... .one baby step at a time.
God Bless all of you, and best wishes on your own journeys, and thankyou for being part of mine.
Special thanks to my angels, Patty and Debbie for all their support and encouragment. They will BOTH be having their surgeries on Monday...

Topic: RE: Beckey is Home ..... n/m
Glad to hear Beckey is home. How is she doing? Also, glad to hear all had a safe trip back....
Donna E.

Topic: Beckey R. Update III
Hi Everyone,
I saw Beckey today. She looks great just a little tired. She is up and walking around. Her blood sugar levels are better, but they are saying her iron count is off a bit. She is eating and drinking her water. She is hoping she will be able to go home tomorrow, but is not really sure. I will see her again tomorrow after my pre-op appointment and will update again tomorrow.