Recent Posts
Topic: RE: HI to all of you - New here from Santa Fe
Hi Connie,
Welcome to the NM board,,,it is awful quiet on this board at times, but there are some wonderful people here.
There are support group meetings monthly in Albuquerque.....I have attended one of them, but it is 220 miles away from where I live.
I'm sure someone on this board will be filling you in on the next one..
Congratulations on your progress...
Topic: HI to all of you - New here from Santa Fe
Hi to all of you . I am new to this forum, I live in Santa Fe. I had my
surgery done 5-4-2004 with Dr. Nease in California. I don't have a
support group, and I can't attend the one at UNMH during the week
because of the distance and work schedule.
Do you know of any support groups other than the one in Los Alamos?
Would love to meet you all.
Topic: Dr Blackstone Scottsdale Bariatric Center
Dr. Blackstone will be in Albuquerque on Friday August 20th from 6-8pm and Saturday from 10am - 12pm. Friday is a support group and Saturday is the seminar. Its FREE....Please bring people with you. Dr B is also trying to get Insurance to take her as a contracted provider. Call me if you have any questions at toll free 866-862-3355, and leave your number and I will return your call.
Here is the site with all the info for her visit to NM
Topic: RE: Hooorayyyyyy
You should wear a crown or something. I know you are queen for a day. I can't wait for my story to read the same as yours. Someday . . . . .
Topic: RE: One More Week
I bet your are ecstatic. I am still jumping through requirement hoops, but it will happen. Positive vibes to you. . . .
Topic: Patty & Debbie
I just returned home from visiting both Patty and Debbie, they are both 1 day post op and doing well.
Please continue to keep them in prayer for a speedy recovery
Topic: Dr Babineau of Tyler Bariatrics. Chat starts at 5pm pst 8 est
Come Join this informative chat and ask the doc all your pre op and post op questions.
Larry Irvin
Member Services Manager
Topic: RE: Hooorayyyyyy
You're doing GREAT!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work, Martina!
Hopefully I'll be on the losing side someday too.....Hang in there.
Donna E.

Topic: RE: Patty C is on the losing side!!
Patty is also in my prayers for a quick recovery!
You're apretty good
after just having surgery yourself.
Thanks for all the updates.
Donna E.