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Topic: update
Well, I just thought I'd update everyone on my latest adventure. I was dealing with a wound infection..that wasn't so bad... but my blood sugars were continuing to go up. My husband and I went to the support group meeting for Dr. S, on Saturday. While there my hubby urged me to speak with the doctor and tell him that I wasn't feeling top well,,,,not sick,,,just a little 'off'....and about my sugars. I had an appointment with him Tuesday (today). Well, he told me to come into his office. He examined me, opened up the wound, and examined even deeper. It seems that I somehow managed to pull my abdominal muscle facia away from the abdominal wall, and developed a blood clot as well as the infection. He was going to do surgery.......that night.
Sooooo,,,after 4 days in the hospital...(again)... I am now home and recovering as if it was the first time. The bypass went well, and I can add some REAL food, but I now have to heal this open wound and it's going to take awhile.
I wi**** was a better update, but ya'll want the truth.
I continue to pray for you and your health and healing.
God Bless,
Topic: RE: My fight with Presbyterian Health Plan
Richard, you hang in there, I feel so bad for you and understand how you feel. I wanted this surgery so bad and wanted a certain Doctor but I ended up going to the Mayo clinic and I am so glad I did. I will try and go to the meeting next time 09/01/04, and maybe we can talk. Give me a call anytime.
Topic: RE: My fight with Presbyterian Health Plan
Hi Richard! I'm sorry you're having such a terrible time with the insurer's. It's so stressful to hit road block after road block!! Hang in there, I'll keep you in my prayers.
Topic: RE: My fight with Presbyterian Health Plan
Hi, Richard,
I'm sorry that the "powers that be" don't seem to be in the same solar system as us mere patients.
I've gone and requested my PCP to request a referral to Dr. Blackstone, that way, even if she comes on network after the first of the year, I've started the process. If they don't take her on, I'm not going to have the surgery done by Dr. F. My life, for now, is worth more than the chance that I feel I'd have to take.
You're not alone, and you've got a young family to think about, so try not to second guess your decisions.
Topic: NYer needs help!!!
Good Morning all you wonderful people out there.
Today is Marcia big day please give her your great support and sign her page, she is there at the hospital by herself due to her angel is now in florida and boyfriend is in London and Mom is taking care of her daughter for she needs alot of care.
Please send all your well wishes, prayers and speedy recoveries to her so she can read them and feel the love
Thank you all you wonderful people in making her feel loved.
and Please please this is my first angel duty sign that page so I wont fail her.

Topic: My fight with Presbyterian Health Plan
Hello all, I am feeling pretty down today. I spoke with OPM and Mr Wilson
is the person that is reviewing my case. He says that even though OPM
hasn't responded that he will call them and find out their stand on why they won't let me go out of Network with Dr Blackstone. He basically said that most likely it is going to be denied. He said it didn't matter how many problems or deaths this other Dr has had out of Texas. I explained to him what my packet from my insurance says about competency and that if a contracted Dr. has less expertise or experience as a non contracted Dr, that I should be able to go to the Dr with more experience. Mr Wilson says that there are specific criteria that Presbyterian has to meet and if his office goes out side of that criteria, then OPM could get in trouble for it. Evidentially, OPM has a whole different set of Criteria than what my book from Presbyterian Health Plan shows. I asked him to at least read my packet before he makes a decision, it sounds like OPM really doesn't have a review board at all, and it seems that it is all just rubber stamped. I told Mr Wilson that this is not just black and white and there are more details to than just "does your insurance provide an In network Dr?" He didn't care about deaths or problems what so ever. On a brighter note, I met with Dr Blackstone again; she is such an awesome person. As I write this, I am in tears that I may be forced to go to a Dr I don't trust. My options as I see them at this point are go see Dr F in Lubbock for my consultative visit... (maybe I can ask him these straight forward questions about the deaths and problems his patients have had, if I make him mad enough, may he won't do my surgery and that gives me an option to go to Blackstone), or wait till open enrollment period and start this whole process over again. I don't like either option.
Topic: RE: CeeCee Update
I talked to her yesterday, she is doing awesome, but she is a little tired of the Broth...take care.
Topic: RE: Turning 30, minus the weight of the old me!
Have a happy birthday and may you have many more happy, healthy, thin years ahead. Congrat's on your success.