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Topic: RE: My fight with Presbyterian Health Plan
I wanted to let you know I just finished reading your profile! WOW! What a long, tortured battle you have fought. Its almost like the battle became the focus and not why you were battling at times. That is a shame. If they had just honored you in the beginning image how far you would be at this time! And how much money they would have saved on lawyers, etc. ARGH! You seem patient so I will be irritated for you today, lol. Anyway, too bad you did not come to Dr Frezza's yesterday, I was there and we could have met since we live in the same community! Anyway, if you have any questions regarding my experience with Dr Frezza, I am available to you. Much luck!
Topic: RE: My fight with Presbyterian Health Plan
Well, first off, I wish you luck in going to whomever it is that you want to.....personal preference is powerful!
Secondly, I am planning to have my surgery done by Dr Frezza. It sounds like you have heard rumors--but nothing substantial. During the consult, Dr Frezza is very upfront and blunt about issues his patients have had in the past. He's a challenging doctor in what he requires from his patients before he will operate (in terms of commitment and procedures). I have spoken to several of his patients personally and have not heard anything negative until I just read your post. Since I am not going into this blind folded, I would be very interested in hearing the rest of the story so to speak but from what I know, I have no reason to doubt my confidence in Frezza--but my ears are open
Best to you!

Topic: I'm A Loser!!!
Hi All! I am back from Arizona. My surgery went well and I am feeling good except for the lingering pain in my left side. My doctor says it's normal and it will go away. The first week was real hard, but I am thankful that I haven't had any complications! Thanks for all your support!
Cee Cee

Topic: RE: Birth of our Daughter
Congratulations Richard! I can't wait to see a picture of her and your other children. I hope she and your wife are doing well. Thanks so much for the support you have given me!
Cee Cee

Topic: Dr. Rodriquez Chat this evening 8 pm EST/ 5 PST
Tonights Surgeon Chat will feature Dr Rodriguez of Texas Bariatric Center.
Please join us for this special event at 7pm CST.
Topic: RE: Birth of our Daughter
Wow Richard! Congrats to you and your wife! My step-daughter was born a month early, and weighed 4 lbs 12 oz, she is a normal rambuncious toddler now! She does have a few developmental delays, but other than that...
Congrats again! Email me some pics of her!

Topic: RE: My fight with Presbyterian Health Plan
This may be a dumb question, but will your insurance at least pay SOME of the fee for out of network doctors? My insurance paid 70% for my surgeon, and I will be billed for the 30%. The hospital I used WAS an in network hospital, so I only had to pay $500 co-pay. The doctors office is going to work out some financing with 0%.
I'm sure that Dr. Blackstone will work it out with you, especially since you want her to do the surgery so badly.
I guess what I'm saying, is to NOT let ANYONE, or ANYTHING 'force' you to do something that you do not feel comfortable with.
You may not have insurance pay the entire thing, but even out of network they have to pay something.....and who knows, maybe soon she will be IN-network and all will be well.
Enjoy that little baby of yours..........and remember that all things happen for GOOD.
Praying for you, and your family,
Topic: RE: Birth of our Daughter
Welcome to the World Micah Vonshae!!!!
Congratulations Richard and Mrs. L I hope mother and baby (and even dad) are doing well.
I pray that she does well, and can come home soon.
Topic: OH National Convention!
National ObesityHelp Conference Los Angeles ObesityHelp is pleased to announce its 2nd National Conference of 2004.
This special event will be held October 29 - 31, Universal City, Hollywood, California; At the Hilton Universal Hotel. Theme for the event: "Come to Hollywood and be a Star!" To get more information about the 2nd national event please visit the events website.
Do you have a new life?Or want one?Come to our Los Angeles Convention and enjoy classes designed for the New You!
The first step to the new YOU: is weight lose surgery and now that you are losing the weight, what's next? If you are still considering surgery or if you are in the approval process, our break out sessions are designed to give you the information and hope to help you as you prepare for the new you!
Your second step to the new YOU: Learning "HOW TO THINK LIKE A THIN PERSON" Have you ever wondered how the other side thinks? Well come and learn their secrets as we unravel their hidden truths together - You will walk out of this class in amazement on how simple it really is and you can now say "I understand now..."
The third step to the new YOU: is to visit our "THE NEW YOU ROOM" Here you will get the chance to try all kinds of new things, to add to the new you look.
So make sure you come to the National Convention, October 29 -31, 2004. You don't want to miss this special national event To see pictures of our first national event click here:
Read reviews of the Texas event:· "The most wonderful thing of it all was that perhaps for the first time, I truly felt accepted... and what a wonderful feeling that was: to be allowed to play among the stars." · "I had a great time with you... I feel like I have met so many new friends... you guys are great." · "Thank you all for letting me be ME!"
For more information about this or any other event Please contact me at 866-957-4626 ext. 385
It's a Lifstyle!
Monica Ganz, Ph.D.
Topic: Birth of our Daughter
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that our daughter, Micah Vonshae, was born on Aug 31st 2004 @ 5:40 am MST. She weighed in at 4 lbs 9 oz, and decided to come into this world 7 weeks early.
Richard L. from NM